Chapter 42

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“Try to call Natalie again,” Simon suggested. “We’re headed toward Chattanooga, but we still don’t know where she is. If she’s back in Georgia, we should be turning south soon.”

Gary pulled the phone out of his pocket, and saw that the battery was nearly dead. He picked up Simon’s phone from the center console, disconnected the car charger, and plugged it into his. “I have to use your phone. My battery’s really low.” He dialed Natalie’s number, and mentally crossed his fingers hoping she would pick up. His heart nearly skipped a beat when he heard the burst of static as the connection was being made. As he was rapidly turning over the options of expressing joy that he had found her, or berating her for not answering any of his previous calls, Natalie’s frantic voice came screaming out of the earpiece.

“Help us, whoever you are! We’re trapped in the Polk County Regional Medical Center....”

“Natalie, what’s wrong? Where are you? What do you mean trapped?”

“Gary? Is that you? Oh my God, you were right about the virus! They did become zombies. We’re trapped in this hospital, and they’ve blocked our way out. Roy’s dead....”

“Who’s Roy?” Gary struggled to get his arms around the thought that there were zombies just as he had predicted. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had always harbored the hope that he would be wrong. “Never mind. Where are you? Is there anything you can tell us about these zombies?”

“Zombies?” Simon turned his head to look at Gary incredulously, nearly running off the road.

“I’ll bring you up to speed later,” Gary mouthed to Simon. He then turned his attention back to the phone. “Okay, Natalie. We’re heading toward Chattanooga driving west on Route 74. Where are you? How do we get to you?”

“Have you passed Ocoee yet? We’re in Ocoee. There’s a small community hospital, near the intersection of Routes 74 and 411. We’re trapped on the bottom floor, Level B2. There are a lot of them, and they seem to be drawn toward sound. So if they see or hear you, they’ll come after you. Be careful. Oh, and Gary?”


“I’ve never been so happy to hear your voice. Please get here soon.”

“Stay on the line until we get there.”

“I can’t. My battery is nearly dead. Call me back when you’re close.” Natalie disconnected the call before Gary could argue further.

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