Chapter 25 - Atlanta

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Last day of the Atlanta Jazz Festival. It's amazing that so many people have come here to listen to this noise. There's no tune... but the noise level will be perfect to hide the drone from the propellers.

Look at them all crowded around the main stage, waiting for the "band" to start. I'll give them a final act to remember... or maybe not? They probably won't realize where it came from....

I can't believe there are so many different people here. Those old blue hairs with the matching T-shirts must be that tour bus full of seniors from Jacksonville making their way up to Atlantic City on a Jazz Festival tour. What!? They can't get enough of this crap at home that they have to come here, and then stop at all those other cities to listen to more? I try and be nice to that old lady, and what thanks do I get? They circle around her and shoo me away?

There's that girl who looks more like she'd be into punk or something other than jazz, what with that long platinum hair with the streak of pink down the back, and the goth outfit. Looks more like someone who should be listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees than jazz.... That short black skirt and fishnet stockings look really good, but the army boots not so much.... I was just looking at her yesterday, and then she glares at me for no reason, and makes that face.

And there's that couple I saw the first day with the matching black berets and skinny black pants. Is he trying to look cool with that stupid goatee? He's still got those dark glasses on, and it's overcast today. That girlfriend of his really fills out that long thin turtleneck, though. I wonder if she's wearing anything under that? Those long pale legs of hers make a really nice contrast to the dark sweater dress. I love how it clings to those curves.

Focus! I'd better head on over to those charter buses next to the media vans. I can set-up behind them without anyone seeing me, then fly this bad boy up a few hundred feet so that no one notices. Maybe I should camp out in the trees along the northeast corner in back of the seating area for the main stage... no one will take notice of me while they're facing the other way.

Okay. Here we go. First pass over the left side... spray! Yes... bulls-eye! And over to the middle... second pass... It's so humid no one will really notice the spray from the nozzle. And over to the right side... Oops! That's a bit too low... crap... those people noticed the spray.... damn it... get up there.... Okay... fly it over the building... out of sight. Whew! That was close, but mission accomplished. Stupid people enjoying their stupid little lives... probably had everything handed to them, never had to lift a finger or deal with any god damn real problems. Well, we're not so lucky now, are we? Let's see how you deal with the CDC's worst nightmare....

Good, no one saw it land.

Time to pack up.

Where shall I go next?

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