Black Sheep

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 You leaped inside the room like some kind of rocket, which made you fall down and slid across the room at maximum speed, only stopping when you hit yourself against a drawer. You act not only terrified Hobi but also Tae, that was peacefully minding his own business listing to some relaxing music and playing a game on his phone. The whole deal made them question whatever you lost your mind yet. That's when they also noticed the never disappearing smirk that was glued on your face, basically the whole time. Even the pain from the impact had no chance to destroy your mood.

"You... Did something?" Hobi managed to ask with his yet so broken English making you turning your head to respond, still laying on the floor.

"I gave him a peck on the cheek. This revenge is even sweeter than honey." you stated confusing the both idols that owned the room together with Jimin.

"You ok?" V asked worrying for his friends well being, not recognizing him the slightest anymore. You just nodded your head while rising from the warm floor, showing off how good off you were. Feeling maybe even more alive than ever before. Being a little shit towards the leader really busted up your confidence.

Back to Namjoon, he slid with his back against the wall to the floor, still not being able to process what just happened. He was shivering just trying to rethink this single moment.

"That he can even do something so daring for a prank." he mentioned trying to wipe his cheek and that's when Jin decided to walk in to eat some snacks before going to sleep as he felt quite hungry at the moment. Yet seeing Rapmon in this state he immediately ran up to him.

"What happened?" he mentioned trying to help his friend to stand up back on his feet.

"Jimin." was the only thing he could say before letting out a depressing sight.

"What has he done now?" by now you were probably seen as the black sheep of the dorm by all the members.

"He kissed me on the cheek, claiming again he was a female, which also was an Army before this happened so yea. I'm a little conflicted here." he mentioned probably losing any hope left for Jimin to recover from this so childish prank.

"Maybe then he's going to kiss someone else." at that thought they ran to the room just to see you having Hobi pinned against the wall. When you were about to tell him something you felt how someone grabbed your shoulder, pushed you away and put Hoseok in a motherly protecting hug. Yes you were met by Jin's gaze and then looking back you saw Namjoon by the door frame that was debating whatever it was a good idea to step in. Maybe you had more tricks up your sleeve to shock him with.

"What happened?" J-hope asked Seokjin not really sure why he acted this way.

"Have he done anything?" he asked just receiving an explanation.

"He tried to show me how he pinned Rapmon to the wall, like no biggie. I see it was highly effective." he mentioned soon laughing at the whole situation.

"Peek on a cheek is not that bad, would be worse if he tried to go for your lips hyung." Tae mentioned as he got a pillow thrown on him by Namjoon. You managed to laugh at his cute act as you walked back to your bed, studying some Korean again before you would walk back to sleep.

Despite having gotten another lecture from the leader and his wife you decided to ignore it fully, focusing on your Korean instead. When you were done with their babbling on you decided to just scare them off with more peeks on the cheeks which Tae and Hobi high-fived you for.

That following night you had a really strange dream experience, something like a person which wasn't quite a human tried to tell you something important, tho he wasn't the only one tried to say you something, it all sounded like unrecognizable words, which you couldn't really make anything from. This experience woke up in a shock which made you remember every single moment of the dream. Looking around you saw that none of the guys were in the room so you walked with your bed hair to the kitchen receiving questioning looks from the other members as they could tell you were seriously spacing out.

"What happened to you? You look horrible." Namjoon mentioned as the other members tried to ask the same question but they couldn't make it out in English.

"I think the aliens are seriously after me." you nodded to yourself on this single statement as the whole dream made you overthink stuff.

"I think they tried to send me a message but all I could ever hear was buzzing sounds that made no sense in human language." your whole body was aware that whatever was mentioned in your dream made a lot of sense but you couldn't really come to any conclusion yourself.

"Next time they should maybe write down their thoughts instead of communicating with sounds I barely can recognize or make anything of." you got questioning looks from all the members present, that seemed to question your sanity by this point. Only one decided to brighten up and move on the topic.

"Any ideas how they looked like?" Tae mentioned as you with your poor Korean skills managed to understand so much and you ran back into your room for paper and pen. Coming back you started to scribble down something. A couple of figures were drawn by your hand really quickly as you mentioned they were small and purple. Tae surely liked the picture you represented to him. Suddenly you managed to realize that someone was missing.

"Where's Jungkook." this made the leader sight as he mentioned.

"Still sleeping I didn't manage to wake him up just yet." you saw the opportunity and you took it.

"Let me do it." you tried to taste your waking up skills on him and so here you were inside his room a smirk appearing on your face. Reaching for your phone you put on a song which you started to sing along to.

It was nothing else than Kiss the girl from the Little mermaid movie. So when you came closer to Jungkook just for the fun, not really having any real intentions to kiss him, his eyes suddenly opened in an instant. Seeing your face so close he fell from the bed, which followed by a loud thud that was heard even in the kitchen. The leader by now was wondering if it was safe to check it out thanks to yesterday's events. After a while he chose not to go, praying for mankaes safety, murmuring under his breath.

"You are on your own buddy." back to you, you managed to laugh out loud while proceeding with the song, Jungkook realizing it was all a joke he decided to join on your sing along session.

"Sha-la-la-la-la-la you wanna kiss the girl." you sang while making kissing motions to Jungkook which he jokingly returned.  

Word Count: 1271

Author's Note:

Let's follow Jimin's adventure next~

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