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 You had no idea how much time passed after you somehow became scarred for life, but one thing was sure you refused to leave this place even when Taehyung came asking for forgiveness. Then you managed to tell him off explaining it wasn't his fault as you volunteered yourself and Jin let you just go off like that. But you didn't want to be so bummed out the whole day so you came up with a plan, quite a crazy one indeed or at least that's what you would hear if you asked anyone's opinions about it.

"Let's do it." motivating yourself you soon picked yourself up and you tried to find some hobby materials you could put to use for your project. Finding what you were looking for you soon made something that looked like a horn.

"Now I just need to make some holes and put it somehow on my head." you decided to put pins inside the shit in hopes it would hold itself. Making your way to Jungkooks room you grabbed his speaker.

"This is my gift for violating my eyes I need this for my therapy." he just managed to blush not really understanding why you grabbed it.

"Pardon?" he asked in English which made you sight while stating.

"I will return it in an hour or so." connecting your device whit Bluetooth you soon noticed something.

"I need something pink." Looking around everyone's clothes you soon found what you been searching for.

"Omg yes, gotcha." taking the puffy pink sweater off the hanger you managed to put it on feeling quite satisfied.

"Now last detail is a rainbow." Rapmonster saw you running around being out from your room and he wasn't happy.

"He is up to something again." he could tell it just by seeing you dash through the corridor like a little innocent girl on your tiptoes.

"I hope it's nothing too serious." he managed to sight as Suga understood his worry, by now they didn't know what to expect anymore it was like having two Taehyung's in the block and they already agreed one was sometimes too much for them to handle. But at least Tae respected his hyungs, you hardly seemed to care about Korean customs as soon you seemed to have started the so called prank.

"So let's see." you got out a blank paper and you filled it in with markers, going out you thought the room was a little suffocating as without your presence in the room suddenly Hoseok decided to do some practices so you decided to stand in the living room. Putting the song on full you managed to sing along, as the same meaning keep repeating itself in the song.

"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~" you were standing there on your rainbow colored paper having the same song on repeat that seemed to have felt like hours for the poor guys. To be honest, it didn't even pass that much time but this is how everyone felt hearing the same phrase over and over again. Seeing you dancing and singing along acting strangely cute Namjoon let out an irritated sigh.

"Why do you need to torture us like this?" apparently finally he decided to speak English with you, probably because you ignored his Korean attempts when he told you to turn that down.

"My innocence is gone, I need this pure sounds to cleanse my soul." when Tae heard it all he was basically laying on the floor cracking up, confusing the other members that didn't seem to have caught up on the strange things that you just said, which forced Namjoon to have it translated to the others.

"Someone stop him already." This song on repeat was driving Namjoon crazy, he basically couldn't take it anymore. That's when V decided to be of help and he wondered what he could say to you to make you stop.

"Maybe if I try to think like her she will stop." like this, he approached you and he took the horn off your head while placing it on his own head. You couldn't help but look at him confused, wondering why he wanted to take over the role of the unicorn.

"I'm the unicorn now." he managed to say rather confidently as he gave you his rectangular smile.

"And as you know the unicorns come only to the purest of females, so here I am. And you the maiden I stumbled over." you were trying to progress the words slowly but once realizing what he said you managed to smile which followed by a laugh from your side. You were holding your sides as Tae had to take a hold of you so you wouldn't collapse due to the uncontrollable laugh fit you just had. And it just kept going until you started to cough being seriously out of breath.

"I will stop now." you turned the song down getting a thumb up from the so called Unicorn.

Later on, that day as promised Jimin did call you after his boat trip.

"You will never believe what happened, some dude tried to hit up on me while he was like totally drunk. It happened in the club on the boat, being freaked out I just beat him up. Girls must have it tough." Jimin said as you just stood there with your mouth wide open.

"Wow, such an adventure. That never happened to me." you mentioned maybe Jimin gave out another aura that attracted boys to him.

"Ah... Jungkook realized I'm not you. Wanna talk to him?" barging into Jungkooks room you soon ran over to him while shoving the phone in his face already over from the accident that happened in the morning. Unicorn therapy was a blessing that worked in your favor.

"Say hi to Jiminie~" you basically sang the whole sentence in sweet honey voice weirding out the mankae that already was in a crisis as he had no idea how to act like around you.

"Here take this you two can talk in peace, give back my phone when you done." stating this you walked out as Jungkook looked at the screen and asked.

"Jimin-hyung is it really you?" the girl on the screen just nodded.

"Quite a surprise right?" that's when something came across his mind.

"So does it mean that you... And she saw..." the other part of the sentence was only but a whisper.

"Bodies." Jimin just nodded while his friend got all red in the face from even asking this absurd question.

"I thought you were supposed to be the international playboy." Jimin saying giving out a chuckle, meanwhile Jungkook realized something. Maybe this adventure was playing in Jimin's favor as he seemed just more confident about himself than ever.

"You don't seem to be bothered in being in a female body." Jungkook pointed out as he straightened his back a little, not being shy to ask those questions anymore.

"Oh! It was quite troublesome in the beginning, especially the period thing. But I got used to it now. It somehow just feels like my own skin right now. Which reminds me... I could kiss someone without being judged or no dating rumors being spread."

"Does it mean you will go on a date with a guy?" Jungkook asked laughing to himself.

"I will think about it, could do some things I never tried before." he managed to laugh on the other side of the phone thinking it was ridiculous how easy it would be to do anything he wanted and not be judged for it. After talking for which seemed like hours Jungkook finally returned your or rather Jimin's phone into your arms.

"How was the conversation?" you asked him.

"Good, thanks for letting me talk with Hyung." you just smiled while you patted his head lightly.

"Welcome~" you managed to answer.  

Word Count: 1429

Author's Note:

Being just a pink fluffy dancing Unicorn :3 ~

Here's the song :3

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