Angel & Devil Duo

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 Hearing the bell and the loud crash of the door made all the members rush to the doors in panic wondering who in their right mind would visit them at this late hours and who was silly enough to let someone in. Everyone seemed to have thought of the same name and soon all you could hear was people call out to you in angered voices.

"Jimin!" they couldn't possibly mean the little angel that you were embracing because apparently you were the original source of everyone's anger and worry. You sighed wondering what they were gonna come up with now, but this time you had all the will to fight back. Even if it meant physically.

"Come at me bro I dare you!" you let out after seeing Namjoon coming your way, a frown making its way on his forehead.

"Why did you let a girl in, are you out your mind?!" Rapmonster raised his voice startling Jimin that was inside your body causing him to jump.

"This is worse than I imagined." Jimin let out a sight, his smile dropping, but soon he recollected himself and put the precious smile back on his lips.

"Wait let me explain-" but before you could say anything further you saw Namjoon grabbing Jimins hand as he tried to push him out the dorm, you interviewed in this act while putting your precious cornflake in a protective hug hissing at him for attempting to throw out your guest.

"Why did you let a fan in?" the leader seemed really angered by your action at this point, he probably was even more ticked off because the person was a foreigner. The hyungs followed his lead, but Taehyung and Jungkook both came to your defense.

"Please let them speak" they tried to calm down the situation and finally you could say something without having the angry person screaming basically in your face.

"What I wanted to tell you is that this is Jimin, I told you he would be coming, but no you four hardly listened or believed me when I shared this piece of information." now you were pouting as Jimin keep staying inside your embrace quite distressed seeing how it was mankae line vs the hyung line fight against each other.

"So for the hundredth time this is Jimin." you shoved Jimin to show him to everyone as you just stood there confidently, being aware of everyone's suspicions, but then they decided to take a look at the girl that kind of smiled awkwardly as all the four hyungs looked at him their faces lighting up as if they realized something important.

"Come on guys it's really me Jimin." Now the angelic smile showed on his face and each one of the members was looking front and back once at you and then at Jimin that was parading inside your body at the moment. There was this quiet long silence as they just kept rubbing their eyes. Soon it all became crystal clear to them, all those heavy clouds over their heads disappeared that keep blurring their sight from the truth and finally, they understood you were right all along. How could they ever believe this devil parading inside Jimins body could ever be their angelic vocalist. Soon all of them went to Jimin and they put him into a welcoming hug.

"We understand now, sorry for thinking this person could be in any way you." you looked quite offended, how could they talk about you in this sort of way when you were right beside them hearing everything they said. You started to stomp away ready to start a psychical fight with these guys but you remembered how they were idols and their faces couldn't be touched by your fist in such a way. Making your away to Jimin's room you soon came back with a pillow in your hands, your deadly weapon of choice, you even handed Jimin one and nodding you both started to beat up the hyungs with pillows letting out your built up frustration.

"How dare you guys!" you both yelled as they seemed to have no chance against you both. The mankaes thought they were safe but soon Jimin started to beat them up as well, you joined on the fun, beating up only Kookie as you already put Taehyung through too much under the avocado mania incident. Once you finished you went to each other and shook your hands together as you both agreed it was a great job done.

"But how did this happen?" Namjoon asked as you frowned at this question.

"Namjoon I already explained it before... My alien mother helped us to exchange bodies, you should listen to me once in a while." to which Jin asked.

"Alien mother?" you just nodded while saying.

"Remember the night when I fell to the ground and blood came out my nose and ears." Jin nodded and just a lone thought of that night made him shiver.

"Well back then I had a dream where I got explained why we changed bodies, but I thought it to be a joke. Well my alien mother didn't like my approach to that information that she wanted to share with me and that happened." you nodded yet you had to add.

"Oh that was such a horrifying experience." your hands started to tremble just thinking back so you just slapped yourself to calm down.

"Don't slap my face!" Jimin let out looking quite offended.

"What does it matter it's not like I did it really hard anyway... Also" you looked past Jimin and laid your eyes on Namjoon.

"I think I deserve an apology from you all." you stood there puffing out your chest ready to say something to them if they refused, but suddenly you couldn't help yourself from yelling our those following words to no one else but Rap Monster.

"Kneel before me you peasant.... Oopps." you managed to hold in your mouth realizing how mean you probably sounded, but somehow you didn't felt any regret or remorse so it broke into a fight between you both, other guys didn't seem to have a care in the world and so they returned to their respective rooms and activates, so it left you with Namjoon bickering around with each other as if you both were old married couple as Jimin and Jin tried their best to get you both away from each other.

Word Count: 1140

Author's Note:

Don't worry Namjoon won't stay this immature in this story I just added the fighting part for fun xD

Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter :D

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