Chapter 7: What, Has, Happened?

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   Nobody's Pov:
     Matt let out a soft groan, feeling around to find himself in a bathroom. Hey lay on the floor with a his head aching, his phone in hand and... wait a moment...
     Matt's eyes shoot open to find a short brunette boy laying next to him, curled up right next to him, his head buried in Matt's chest.
     Matt wasn't sure what to think about this at first, and gulps as he feels his cheeks heat up a bright shade of a rosy pink. How had he let this happen? What had happened?
     Matt grabs his sticky notes, to find most of them to have many scribbles all over them. "What the heck...?" He mutters to himself, and looks through his phone. Matt soon comes to realize, thanks to a selfie of him and Edd, both with beer in hand, that they had become drunk.
     He found some interesting photos, one of Edd mixing the straight up vodka into a can of cola, and another... oh gosh...
     There was one, a selfie... with himself, and the Green Leader himself, kissing. He found a few of these, and felt his cheeks overheat with blush.
     He looks down at the other male sleeping next to him. He looked so peaceful and cute, at he knew this wasn't the best idea at the moment.
     Matt slowly tries to get away, only to feel to arms latch around him, and his cheek nuzzled. He looks down, and gulps, sweat covering his forehead. "U-Umm E-Edd...?" Matt stutters out.
     "Five more minutes..." Edd mumbles, still half asleep.
    "Edd... take a look for yourself..."
    Edd lets out a soft groan, and opens his eyes to see... well there was some purple but... it was hard to see. He soon came to realize his head must be in some kind of blanket, but this one seemed to be... breathing?
     It moved up and down softly, making Edd feel very at ease. He takes another moment to become fully awake, pulling his face out of... of... Matt. He had fallen asleep next to Matt... oh gosh.
His face heats up. "O-oh my gosh I-I'm... I'm so sorry!!"
"It's alright... but u-umm..." should he tell Edd about the photos...? About what happened? Would his now Allie be mad at him? Well... you never know until you try. He takes his phone out.
"What is it Matt?" Edd yawns and sits up, Matt copying and scrolling through the hundreds of photos he had, most of them being selfies, until he got to the more recent ones. There had to be around two hundred photos, and there were about five of him and Edd... well... kissing.
"Well umm... you and I might have... taken some photos last night..." Matt mumbles and hands him the phone, going to the start where there were many blurry photos of them drinking.
"O-oh..." Edd stars scrolling and looking through, seeing the one of himself mixing vodka and cola. "I ruined the best drink in the world... please never let me get drunk again..." Edd mumbles.
Matt nods and jumps up, looking in the mirror and starts fixing his bed head hair. He refused to look so terrible in front of Edd. One thing that kind of bothered Matt was that Edd never pampered with his hair, unlike himself. Edd's hair was naturally messy and Matt couldn't ever prevent the feeling to fix it.
Matt looks down, seeing Edd totally distracted by the photos, and quickly goes to fix Edd's hair. Surprisingly, Edd didn't flinch or anything, he didn't seem to notice it at all, in fact.
After a minute or two of pampering, Matt smirks in success as he had completely fixed Edd's hair. He flinched when he heard a sudden squeak and felt Edd tense up.
Matt takes a look at the phone to see one of the pictures of them kissing.
The two each look at each other, blush spreads across their now rosy cheeks. "I-I'm sorry!!" Matt yells out.
"N-no no it's okay really!!" Edd replied quickly, sweat dripping down his forehead.
"No I-it isn't in s-sorry I was just so drunk!!" Matt protests, frowning and cursing himself for being so foolish at to let Edd see those.
"No really Matt it's fine!! In fact I wish I was sober for that moment!!" Edd gasps, and covers his mouth, his cheeks heating up more if possible. What had he just said to Matt?! He couldn't have... no no no no!!
     There was a moment of science, until Matt finally mumbles. "R-... really...?"
     Edd nods slowly, and removes his hand. He had to admit, he had been getting these new and weird interesting feelings around Matt... he wasn't sure if it was just the feeling to have a trustworthy friend that you didn't have to boss around, as he was the leader of a military, and he only got to hang out with his soldiers, or if it was something new and different.
    "W-well u-umm..." Matt blushed more. Was he really going to do this? Well, he was curious... he grabs Edd's chin, and presses his lips against Edd's. Both of their eyes go wide, both unsure what was happening, or how to feel about it.
     They stay like this for a while, never wanting their lips to break contact, yet stupid air was needed. Matt pulls away and takes loud and heavy breaths for air. "OH MY GOSH!!" He wipes his mouth and looks at Edd. "What did we just do?!"
     "I don't know but it was amazing!!" Edd replies with a grin. Matt nods vigorously in agreement. He had to agree, it felt amazing.
     "I've never kissed anyone before..." Matt mumbles.
     "Me neither..." Edd shrugs. "But I'm glad my first kiss was with you!!"
     "Same here!"
    "Are you two still drunk?" A new voice calls from the doorway. The door was wide open, and there, stood one of Tord's soldiers. "Pau is somehow." The somewhat tall young man had long brown hair, a bit darker then Edd's, and an outfit almost identical to the Red Leader's, except for the fact that he wore a red turtle neck with bandages that made a white X on that, instead of a red hoodie.
"Who are you?" Matt lifts a brow, examining the man in front of him.
"Oh how rude of me. I am Pat, and you're the Purple and Green leaders, it is a pleasure to meet you." Pat smiles softly.
"You're not from my army..." Matt mumbles.
"Correct. I am part of the Red Army, Tord's right hand man, right behind his left hand man, Pau." He nods and grins at them. "I've heard many good things about you two! Congratulations on the new alliance!"
"Why thank you." Edd smiles, and elbows Matt.
"Yes thank you very much." Matt nods in agreement.
     "Well, I'm afraid my leader has left me without a trace as to where he has gone. I was busy trying to make sure Pau didn't break anything, because he was REALLY drunk last night."
     "Weren't we all?" Edd jokes and laughs.
    "I wasn't." Pat chuckles along.
     "Pat? Where is Tur- I mean Tord...?" A shorter figure walks into the bathroom, a cigar clamped between his teeth and a tired expression across his face. One feature to notice quickly, was his large and bushy eyebrows, those were HUGE.
    "I'm not sure, glad you're not so drunk anymore." Pat chuckles and walks over, hugging the other, who blushes brightly and smiles.
     "Me too..." he mumbles.
Well this is fun to write X3 Enjoy your fluff while it lasts >:3

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