Magnificent Bastards

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My name is Brain O'Dennary. I am part of the 5th regiment of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines otherwise known as the "Magnificent Bastards". We're an infantry division, we're the guys you see on the news blasting away with rifles heavy machine guns and other meticulous devices of war. Recently we got confirmation that the president of the United States has been kidnapped. Our job is to find him. Ever since the president 47th president of the United States the Pentagon had ordered the current and future presidents to be chipped. We have yet to find the president even still, the Pentagon says that the insurgents must have made it malfunction or destroyed or the best case scenario it was turned off. Which is the most likely because the chip is made of tungsten. That would mean some sort of hacker somehow was able to get past the Pentagon's firewall, steal the code to deactivate it and then access the presidents security chip disabling it, which is surprising because that information is kept top secrete that the president is even chipped which means the pentagon was hacked by a master hacker of sorts most likely. The vice president has taken over command of the armed forces. My division is being moved out to the Middle East where it is believed the Insurgents are keeping the president. The middle east is huge though, the president could be anywhere. The Pentagon is working on establishing a beat on the president's location but so far has had no luck. So we wait.

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