the progressing mellark family

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(a/n~ hey guys i hope u enjoy this and vote for it. Also share this story plz. Enjoy!)

disclaimer: all rights belong to suzanne collins with the characters (like peeta katniss gale etc) and things like tht

Chapter 1👶💟🚻 

After we were married peeta insisted on having a child. I told peeta all my fears of having a baby but he found some reasons of why i shouldn't be and he calmed me. His way of words had touched me and his talent of his controlling of them is undescribable. He had finally convinced me one night after many years and you could have seen his smile reaching from ear to ear. About two weeks later i decided to go to the doctor because i keept feeling very nautious every day. When i did go he told me the very reson of my horrible symptom.

I was pregnant! That one night i found i was carrying a new little baby human inside of me all those fears i had before came back rushing into my head. So i decided to go tell haymitch first because i was afraid of peeta's reaction. Anyway there was noone else in my life that i could tell at that very momment.Haymitch was passed out, as always, so i tried waking him softly but as usual it never works. I wanted to wake him like this so he would be calm and not frustrated with me because this was very important to me and i wanted a calm listener.  

When i got frustrated with nothing worked i just naturaly got a bucket of icey cold water and threw it on him. He got naturaly startled and was waving his knife at me but he dropped it as soon as he relized it was me. While he was having this whole episode i decided to clean up and make his house the least bit ...... Livable.

Haymitch finally came to his senses and then started to complain. " ugh why do you always wake me like this katniss? You should just stick to bringing peeta whenever you come." 

This little comment struck one of my nerves so i just calmly tried to explain to him that today wasn't an option to bring peeta and he was baking and serving coustomers right now.

"so what do you want sweetheart?" haymitch asked in a clearly annoyed tone. since the 74 hunger games he would always call me "sweetheart" it always annoys me but i have gotten used to it and i couldn't care less right now of what he calls me. At this time i try to gather my thought of how to tell him but my mouth moves befor my mind could think clearly. " I'm pregnant" i hear myself tell him straight out. I feel as if the world is about to collapse right at my fingertips but i fell back n haymitch grabed me while dropping his large glass of white liquor. He had a shocked espression but he was glad and he immidatly became sober to understand the rest of what i was going to say. His gray seam eyes, just like mine, were engulfed in happienes and after a long momment of silence he congratualted me and asked if peeta knew about this. I imideatly said no.

As he was walking up his stairs putting all his liquor bottles in a box he said that i should tell peeta before he found out by himself. Peeta is a preety smart man so i have to tell him very soon because i know he will get mad if i don tell him. Haymitch then handed me the box and told me to dispose of them because he wanted to be a great role model towards the child and be there whenever the child marks a big succes in his or hers life. He also tells me that he wants to do this because he sees me and peeta of a version of how him and his girlfriend, who unfotuantely got taken away from haymitch because of his act of "rebelion" he did in the 2 quarter quells, acted. So he promised with his life he would stay sober from now on.When i was done disposing of the liqour and alchol i had gone to the bakery and went upstairs to our house. I was about to expload with emotions if it hadn't been for peeta finishing his job and putting me around his arms right when i got home.

" katniss tell me what's happened" peeta says in a calm gentle voice. " im pregnant" i tell him. His ocean like eyes were sparkling and he had a huge smile that can be riconized anywere. I haven't seen him this happy since the 3rd quarter quells , before the capitol had hijacked him, and we had our second big kiss tht left me .... Us longing for more. "Katniss theres nothing to worry about this the baby will live a long happy life with us as a family and rember it will be living in a new panem not the one we lived in with president snow, the hunger games, and most of our population dying of starvation."

Once peeta told me this i just hid my face in his chest crying with joy and a little but i sadness. His comfertable smell of bread, flour, and cookies maked me even more happy and he then lifts my head and gazes his eyes into mine then softly gives me a kiss on my temple. I have calmed down after a while and we are just laughing for no reason and we the fall asleep.

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