Chaper 2 the ride

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Chapter 2 🚄

After a month i have gained the courage to call my mom in district 4 and tell her im pregnant. I tell her that now i've been pregnent for 6 weeks n she gets happy and congratulates me. She still doesn't have the mental strength to comeback to district 12 but i understand why. Since i havent seen her in a while i decided with her that when im in my 8th month of pregnancy that i would go over there with peeta and she would deliver the baby. The time flies as peeta has told me to be in bed rest as much as possible and with him working downstairs in the bakery. Once in a while he would bring me special cookies and little by little him, his friends, and haymitch converted our guest room into a nursery. Everyday as i would see the gradual work of the nursey i got more and more happy with this idea of having our own baby.

By the time the 8th month arrives peeta and i have packed all we need to get on the train to district 4 with haymitch and effie. On the way

to 4 i decide to make a phone call to gale on the train. I havent had the courage to talk to gale at all. Even at our wedding i had the smallest confert feeling talking to him, to invite him to my weeding, since peeta was next to me. Unfortunaly he declined the invitation and i havent spoken to him since. When i did call gale i almost broke into tears but peeta came to my rescue. With his arms encircled around me i still talked to my best friend or just friend or not even i can't even bear to call him a friend now since our relashionship won't ever be the same because of the damn capitol and those stupid hunger games. I tell him that im a few weeks away from giving birth and if he could come the day that it happens or a week before ,because he has to come from district 2, that i would appriciate it so much.

Gale said that he would come and i got excited but there was a part of me that regreted this because that part of me will always blame gale for the death of my poor sweet prim. I miss her so much i only wish i can hold my little sister one last time. Then i remind myself shes in a better place with my father who i miss even more. After the phone call effie barged in the compartment and she saw me and peeta. She is as bubbly as ever.

" Come on guys we have to stay on schedule therefore meaning its time for dinner" effie says as she makes a smile.

Peeta, thankfully, understoond my facial expression and says " effie is it possible that me and katniss can have some time alone, we will be out there but in a while ok?"

"sure peeta." she says with a concerned look but at the same time with her bubbly voice. Recently i have also noticed her capitol accent has been disapering and im glad because it brings back to many bad memmories.

"Katniss what is wrong now?" says peeta in a subtle voice as he makes me sit next to him.

" I .... I... I just cant afford to stay in 4 for long because my mom makes me miss prim and now tht gale is going..." i cut myself of as my body starts making the sound i always do before i burst into tears. But i gather my mind in a few seconds and continue "in addition annie has finnick jr. who resemble his father so much with his love for the ocean, for sugar, an his physical apprence and i also miss him since he risked his life for us. Too many memmories also follow district 4, so many it hurts more than it does it does back home." After i say this i just burst into tears and peeta just listens and then comferts me by hugging my so tightly i can hear his string steady heart beat and smell his aroma from so many years in the bakery.

"Katniss you can't be afraid of all this anymore like i have said before we are not living in the old panem. And remember if you have to go through these horendous memmories again i will always be there. We passesed this stage once and are still trying to completly overcome it toghether. We are always making improvements because we have each other" while he told me this he was brushing my hair behind my ear like he would always do and cleansing my face from my tears since i now shifted my position and had my head on his lap. When i finally stop crying he grabes my arms and stood me upright as he stoop up as well ." Come on we have to go eat something" he's right so i just follow him and look down not wanting anybody to look at me in the dinner compartment. Only if we were back home i would have just ran into the woods and climbed a tree and just shoot random deers or rabbits. At this momment we sat at the table with effie explaining our schedule and haymitch messing with his food. "Effie can we not have a schedule?the only schedule i will agree on is at what time we wake up or go to sleep. That is all i want on my schedule, the rest will be spontanious. im preety sure katniss wants the same." peeta always knows what i want he can read me very well. He's right once again no matter what i will always belive i don't deserve him but everyone says i do. Effie agrees to peeta's request and then she throws everything away. I give a small grin but no one notices.The rest of the dinner was silent. It got filled with voices whenever effie and peeta tried to make small talk. Haymitch and i laugh as it reminds us of the hunger games and it was to awkard to talk at dinner.

When we had finished our dinner i go straight to bed more tired than ever and peeta follows. I hear haymitch trying to keep away from the train's cabin filled with liquor and i rember he does this because of the promise he had made himself of being as sober as possible to be a great role model for the child. Tonight i just can't sleep because im afraid my nightmares returning and im so nervouse since we are near our destination. I would dooze of here and there but i would just wake myself with my screems from my predicted nightmares. Now a days there all about how i lost prim and rue who look so much like her in the 74 hunger games or there of my fears of losing peeta.

Everytime i screamed i would wake peeta up and i feel bad because this is very often especialy now that im pregnant and my fears had come back to haunt me in my sleep. Peeta uderstands my nightmares because everysince we both have returned from the 2 hunger games we were forced to participate in and the rebelion, where i was the symbol of the rebelion an all of this happening when we were 16 to 17 years old, we both had been mentaly and emotionaly tramatized. Therefore he just hugs me tighter everytime i wake up and kisses me softly. At one point during this night i just got out of bed and when to the snacking compartment of the train were i found haymitch crying for the first time that i know of so im preety sure something very werious has happened. I get myself some warm milk and sit next to haymitch.

" haymitch why are crying?" i say with a puzzled look.

"I miss my sweetheart too much because of that capitol they destroyed everything of mine they killed my girl, my entiere family, and without my liqour i cant contain myslef. I have lost too much you and peeta are lucky. I have nothing i love no more. If the capitol was still ruling i would have personaly stabed snow since u killed coin. Nothing will ever be normal!!"

As he says this i also start crying because i uderstand him somewhat altho i only lost my relashionship with gale i lost finnick, my dear primrose, rue,cinna and more yet i was left with my mother who practicly abandonded me and peeta. I just lay next to him since he is sitting down but when we see the sunrise changing the color of the sky haymitch leaves me. Then i see more ofthe rising sun and i know we are almost close to district 4 so i go to my little room with peeta and just hug him so tightly and explain what has happened.

"katniss don't worry i will never leave you because your the only one i have left your the only one i see hope in. Your the one that keeps me living. Even though i have may have my episodes of killing you sometimes i just rember that i love you and everything just flows back and i can never lose you because ur the most beautiful thing i have ever layed my eyes on and u know how i feel about that because u know i have loved you ever since i was 5. Katniss u can never lose me and i will never try to lose myself from you. Because of your love almost all of my hijacked memmories of you have dissappered and i now know what is real or not. I cannot lose you ever i feel just the same way about you as u do to me and i can never repay you for being able to finally embrace my love yet i know you think the only way is by not losing myself from you so I WILL NEVER LEAVE. You have to understand katniss because you mean soo much to me."

As peeta says all of this my stomach gets that same tanlged feeling it would get when we have those long kiss that i just can't brake away from. I can never afford to think about losing him because of what he has just said. So i just kiss him to let him know to be quite and i finally understand even more.the sun has risen to be at it's noon position and we relize we are minutes away from 4. Peeta just holds me tight expecting what would happen.

(a/n - hopes u guys enjoyed it there will be more. :) keep reading and vote/comment/ share)

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