5 - Rush

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Su Ju's POV

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"You heard us right. We want you to join EXO. We are looking for a new Chinese member, after all, and with talent. You seem to fit the position. Your singing is very powerful and your dancing has a lot of key components. Not only that, but you have were a SM trainee a few years ago, until you had to stop to focus on college. Besides that, you can also speak in English, which means that you can probably sing in English, right?"

"Yes," I began. "But I don't believe that-"

The man cut me off, making me slightly aggravated.

"Great! We'll set up a meeting between you and EXO tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, you'll be working with them and taught by them as well as living with them. You'll get a schedule too. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Su Ju."

"Wait! No one ever told me that I was going to join such a big group. I-I don't think that I can take that much pressure, I don't think-"

"Mr. Su Ju, it's either this or nothing." The man said.

I knew that if I were to join EXO, then I'd have a super busy schedule! And they were such a big group near the top, I was no where near their status!

"I'm sorry, then, I will have to decline your offer-" I began again, packing up my stuff.

"We will pay you in advance, plus every month. We can pay you 4,000 (USD) right now and then 2,000 every month."

That made me stop. I quickly did the math, and if I accepted their offer, I'd be able to pay for my mother's life support. I'd also have extra money for myself.

I had no choice but to accept.

"Right now?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows.

"Right now."

I signed the last paper and then shook the man's hand.

"Thank you."

"Welcome to SM Entertainment."


As soon as I got out of the building, I went to the hospital.

"Eomma, I got the spot! I'm officially part of SM Entertainment! And I can pay for your life support!" I exclaimed.

"Really!? I'm so happy for you!"

I explained the entire situation to her, and as I told her more, she began to look more distressed. I purposefully left out the part where I was going to join EXO.

"Su Ju, are you sure you can take the pressure though? You know you're going to get a lot of hate, even if it isn't your fault. I can't believe you're going to join SM again...they don't deserve you." She asked.

"Trust me, this will be better for the both of us." I said.


"Can you get me something from the supermarket, Su Ju?"

"Ne. Can I finish my homework first though? I'm really close to being done."

"No, go get me some beer. And the good kind."

"Appa, we need to save our money for eomma's surgery..."

"I said go. That is final, you little shit. Now apologize for being so goddamn respectful."


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