16 - Memories

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WARNING : Mentions of Rape and Drugs

Su Ju's POV

As we drove home, everyone was silent.

Including me.

I was alone with my thoughts for once, and it was only then when I realized how messed up my situation was.

I got a call from my uncle, disturbing me from my thoughts.

"Yah, where are you, 'Soju'?" He asked. He was clearly drunk; his words were slurred and blended together.

"I'm at my...workplace." I replied.

"Well get over here with that dumb motorcycle of yours and drive me home. I'm too tired to walk to a bus station" He ordered.

I sighed.

I was really tired and I didn't want to argue with him.

"Okay. You'll have to wait for a few minutes though. Where are you?" I asked.

"Joe's Bar."

And just like that, something in me snapped.


I was seven years old.

My mother was a complete wreck after my biological father had left.

His leaving messed with her mind for two years.

"SU JU. GET OVER HERE." My mother yelled.

I remember walking over to my mother, who had a bottle of soju in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"We're going to Seoul. I need to go see someone. Let's go." She demanded.

My eyes widened in excitement and complete shock.

"The flight's in two hours and we're staying there for who knows how long, go pack mommy's things." She said. I could only nod my head rapidly.

I ran to my mother's room and packed everything.

A few hours later, we were in Seoul.

I don't remember much.

I only remember a rush of adrenaline as I left the plane. As I hopped into a taxi with my mother, another random bottle of soju had appeared in her hand.

I remember her flirting with the taxi driver to get out of paying the fare.

I remember holding her suitcase as we stood in front of a bar.

Joe's Bar.

As we entered my mother was greeted by cat calls and hoots.

She was a very beautiful woman. She had a thin body with long locks of brown hair. Not to mention the fact that she was wearing a red dress that stuck to her body, showing off her curves.

We walked over to a booth, where a sketchy looking man sat. He had a woman sitting on his lap, who played with his hair. Although he was sketchy looking, he obviously had money. He had golden rings, golden earrings, and several golden chains hung around his neck. Two bodyguards stood by his side.

"What do you want?" My mother asked.

"Su Wei, I'm going to get straight to the point. Now that the pathetic man that you called a husband is gone, we can come through! Just think about it. You and me, on a cruise in the Bahamas."

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