Chapter 10

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I don't realize just how long I've been staring at Jade's locker until my eyes start to burn. I huff, turning away, glaring at the clock on the wall. Class starts in ten minutes. She's usually here before me, but the chittering crowd lacks a particular dark-haired girl. My shoe raps against the floor, shoving things in my locker to make it look as if I'm searching for something. My eyes, though, are still jerking toward the doors and Jade's locker.


I flinch, whirling on my heel. Andre, braids pulled back above his head and that seemingly permanent smile on his face, saunters to my side. I relax, giving him a smile of my own while checking over my shoulder at the doors. Still no Jade. I haven't seen Beck yet, either, but I'm not concerned about him. I'm about to ask Andre if he's seen her when he blurts out, "You heard about Beck and Jade, right?"

I pause. Do I tell? Is that something I'm supposed to talk about? I chew my cheek for a minute, jerking a nod to Andre to make sure he knows I'm listening, even though my thoughts are far off. Somehow I don't think Jade would appreciate my revealing of her soft side. To be honest, the whole past two days feels like some dream I floated through. I woke up this morning confused, searching the other side of my bed blindly like I expected to find Jade there. Her absence had jolted me awake nearly an hour before my alarm. I sent her another text before I left for school, telling her that she could do this, but she never replied. I shift my hand toward my chin and chew on my thumb knuckle, eyes falling toward the doors again.

"It's crazy," Andre says, leaning at my side. "I never thought they'd break up. They've been together for such a long time."

"Yeah." I turn back to Andre, hands hovering mid-air for a moment before they drop. "Did - Did Beck talk to you at all, about anything?"

Andre shrugs, his phone in one hand being tackled by his thumb. "A little. I asked if he was doing okay and he said he was fine, just worried about Jade. He said he didn't think she'd take it this hard." His dark brows knit together before his eyes shift up to mine. "Actually, yeah, he said she was with you."

My mouth opens and closes with no sound. I trust Andre, he's my best friend, but I don't know if this is something I'm supposed to be free and open about. Jade just became my actual friend. I don't want to ruin it by giving away too much. "Er, yeah, she came over. She just, you know, needed someone to talk to."

Andre nods, not pressing any further - not that he has to chance, because a flash of red blinds both of us and in a wave of bubblegum perfume is Cat, her hands gripping my arm. I try to focus on the pent-up ball of energy, but she's practically leaping into the air on the tips of her toes.

"Where is she?" Cat's eyebrows are furrowed in worry. Her grip tightens on my arm. "Where's Jade? Is she okay? She never answered my texts!"

The hand not currently in a death grip raises and settles on Cat's shoulder. "Calm down, Cat. She's fine. She's just ... late, I guess."

Cat's teeth shove into her lip. "Poor Jade! I can't believe this hap - Jade!"

She bursts past me so fast I can't stop her, falling back against my locker. Throat tight, I spin toward the door. She's there, shouldering her backpack, dressed in her traditional dark colors, eyes widening on the great wall of Cat that's wailing down on her. I run without thinking about it, trying to reach Cat before her arms choke Jade to death, but I'm too late. Jade reels backward, keeping her balance by planting one foot behind her.

"Oh, Jade, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I can't believe it! What happened -"

My hand curls around the dent of Cat's elbow. I yank her off, suddenly defensive, shoving my shoulder between her and Jade until I'm completely blocking the other girl. Facing Cat, I relax my hold, keeping my face as friendly as possible. Cat's easy to scare and that's not what I'm trying to do - but I promised to protect Jade, and I'm not falling back on that. "Cat," I say slowly, giving Cat a soft smile. "Let's not overwhelm her today, all right? Just give her some space."

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