Chapter 23

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"Cat, we are not listening to the Diddly Bops."

When my eyes shift to the rear view mirror, I find the girl in question pouting at me, dark eyes huge and round. The cursed CD rests in her hands, stretching from the backseat to rest on the console between me and the empty passenger side.

"No," I say, firmly, before turning my eyes back to the road. "Stop laughing, Andre."

"I'm not laughing."

"You're chortling back there, I can hear you." Sighing, I glance over my shoulder. My forehead smacks into Cat's with an impressive thunk as our skulls collide. "Jesus, Cat!" One hand whips to my likely bruised forehead while the other takes control of the steering wheel. "The fuck is your head made out of? Bricks?"

Cat makes a loud gasping noise. She finally leans back in her seat with one hand to her lips, which have fallen open in a small 'o'. "Language, Jade."

Rolling my eyes, I return my full attention to the road. Had I known that picking up Cat and Andre would be so distracting, I would have made them walk. Grumbling, I turn on Tori's street. As her house emerges into view, I almost immediately relax, tight muscles uncoiling in relief. Tori's become this kind of sedative, a calming drug that I'm addicted to. Not that I'm complaining. At all. Because she's kind of awesome.

I can't help but smirk to myself, turning into Tori's driveway. Barely a moment goes by before she erupts from the house; her jeans are black, with an olive top pulled down at the shoulders to reveal the purple straps of a tank-top. Her hair is in its usual large hoops, her face bright and smile loud as she waves excitedly on her way down the driveway. I'm so focused on the way the sun lights up her dark hair and makes her skin glow bronze that I don't notice Trina until she's climbing into my car. Tearing my eyes from Tori, I twist over the back of my seat and glare hard as Trina drops herself into the back. She's in a dress so pink it quite literally makes my pupils scream in pain.

"Am I dropping you off somewhere?" My tone isn't exactly polite. Tori pulls her door closed beside me before reaching across and patting my hand on the console.

"She's coming with us." I give her a sharp look. "If that's okay, which it totally should be, right? She's my sister." Tori gives me a grin, one eyebrow cocking.

I've never had any personal vendetta against Trina - she's annoying and impossibly big-headed, but I've never actually talked to her before. Glancing back to Trina, who is eyeing me just as hard, like she suspects me to pull out a gun at any moment, I decide that, hell, I might as well get it over with. Dating Tori means getting to know her family, and while I still have no idea how her parents spawned two daughters so completely opposite, that doesn't make Trina any less Tori's sister.

A frown mars my lips. I turn back to Tori. "Right," I agree, and then she's sweeping forward and stealing me in a kiss.

I don't know why I expected Tori to be a secretive, private kind of person, especially since I've seen her date boys before. Maybe it's because I'm the first girlfriend she's ever dated, I kind of anticipated her to be nervous with PDA. To my surprise, she seems to be taking to it pretty well, even lingering on my mouth a little longer than necessary, whilst Cat, Andre, and Trina watch us with mouths open in the backseat. When she finally pulls back, my lungs are straining and my eyes feel heavy, settling on Tori as she pulls her seatbelt over herself, completely unfazed.

Courage, that one.

Grinning, I turn back to the wheel, throw the car into reverse, and speed off. After a few minutes of just the radio filling the car, I break the silence with a question. "So, this girl we're meeting, Andre. What's her name?"

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