Chapter 12: Your Girl

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Chapter 12: Your Girl


"I got an eye on your girl."

My happy mood disappeared as soon as I looked at the message.

I looked at Angel and she was looking at me with concern with her big dopey eyes wide open. I smiled at her and said, "Go eat some food Angel, I think you're hungry."

"Oh, that I am!" She was smiling again. That was what I loved about my Angel, that she didn't pry in my business. She was happy-go-lucky. "Do you want anything?"

"No, Cherry but thank you."

After Cherry was out, I called Dylan and some other guys to tell them about the situation and asked them to be ready and keep an eye on Carl. I didn't want my Angel in any kind of trouble. She was innocent and naive. I wouldn't let anyone touch her.

There was still one question that was roaming around my head. How did Carl know about Angel and why did he call her Kristina?

These are the questions that Angel herself can answer. I'll have to ask her soon.

In the meanwhile, I decided to look at some files.


"Not here, not here and not here as well." I murmured as u closed the last cabinet. "Does this guy even keeps nutella? Ugh! What a boring guy?!"

"I heard that Angel!" I heard his voice from his room. He sure had sharp ears. Perhaps, he was a werewolf? OMG, if that is true that would be so cool.

"Well, it was meant too!"

Suddenly, I barged into his room and was shocked to see what I did.

"Oh my, God, my virgin eyes!" I kept a hand on my eyes, quickly.

"Angel, remove your hand, I was just changing a shirt and you barged into my room," he spoke calmly and didnt forget to emphasise the word 'you'.

I removed my hand and gulped when I saw his six pack. He sure worked out a lot. Man, I think the temperature of the room suddenly increased.

He sure is hot.

He owns a six pack, I don't even have one pack. I thought remorsefully.

"No, Angel and you won't have until you work out like me." Mase's voice roused me from my thoughts and I gaped at his smirking form.

"OMG! I said that all out loud?" I closed my eyes, fearing his answer already.

"Pretty much," he answered smugly.

"...and, I'm dead!" I said dramatically before falling into his bed.

He mumbled something along the lines of 'drama queen'.

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