Gangleader's Girl

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Gangleader's Girl

She is innocent, bubbly, kind and sweet.

She always helps others even if it be a bloody murderer.

She always do things before thinking.

She is Angela Woodson.

He was dangerous, ruthless and kills easily.

He never helps other. Never thought about it.

He never thinks before he well.

He is Mason King.


I fell in love with her, the very same day I saw her. --- Ⓜason King.

He wanted me and I became
his girl. I became
the gangleader's girl. --- 🍒ngela Woodson.


Angela Woodson is a sweet and bubbly seventeen year old, who lives with her parents, happily. She will be happy even if you brought her a pen as a gift. She helps others and is liked by almost everybody.

Mason King, is the leader of the most powerful gang, Viri Sanguinum. He is said to be cold, ruthless and a blood thirsty killer. But is he? And what made him do this? The past still haunts Mason. But what is it?


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