Chapter 13: Sleepover

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Chapter 13: Sleepover


As soon as my English class was over, I said my goodbye to my friends before rushing towards my locker to get my books for my next class which happened to be Biology.

Surprisingly, I love Biology. The human system and the complications, nature and animals. It's just fascinating. And it's reality unlike maths which is all about sums and complicated equations which can only be solved by their creators. And they're not of use for everyone.

I'm just tired of finding math's 'x'. Why can't he just move on get another girlfriend? Hmpf!

In my hurry to my locker I slipped. I waited to fall flat on my butt but the impact never came since someone had already caught me. I looked up to see the one and only, Blake Carmen, my arch enemy and this school's quarterback. He was very proud. People stayed far from him. He was also very violent but he never hurt girls, directly.

He found ways and his minions would set up the plan. He played a game each year, when new girls took admission in this school and many girls became his victims. Unluckily, I was one of them and I would never forgive him.

I will make him regret it.

"Ain't this the beautiful Angela de Lauscen? Haven't seen you in a while." He smirked which slowly turned into a grin. His eyes held the same mischief and mine held hatred.

"Ain't this the despicable Blake the Snake? I'm glad that I didn't see you for a while. Guess it's just my bad day, I ran into you." My eyes were narrowed as the dug holes in his. I was glaring at him but he was still smiling. He still had the nerve. Some shameless guy he is!

"What? Didn't miss me?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Nonchalantly, I replied, "Of course, those black heels miss you. Haven't been in use for a while."

His eyes suddenly turned to slits as he glared at me. His expression was dark but I wasn't fazed by him at all. I knew what he could do and I was stronger. Back then, I was naive. But I ain't now. I can fight him back.

At least, I think I can.

He smirked again, "I know you miss me and remember our first date was so romantic..." he trailed off, knowingly. I won't admit it but he had hit a nerve. I don't even want to remember that time.

I was angry and I wanted to hit him but I never let my calm down knowing it will irritate him more, "Yeah, it was very romantic when I hit where the sun doesn't shine." I smirked when I heard his minions 'Ooh'. He glared at them before turning to me. But before he could utter a single word the warning bell rang, signalling we were late, so I just waved at him and went away but not before saying; "Not see you later, babe!"

I have to admit though, he is handsome.

I also bumped into Andrew before lunch, that day.


It was lunch time and I was waiting for my friends to join me.

"Ella!" I was relieved when I heard Trisha's voice.

"You guys took long," I complained as soon as they sat.

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