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Beam was knocking his pen to the desk, made Phana and Kit turned their face at him. Beam had been messaging Forth twice since morning. They were not together yesterday and Beam didn't update about Forth's schedule today. Forth didn't give him any reply yet.

"All the girls will avoid you if you put that kind of face, Ai Beam." Phana reminded Beam.

Beam sighed. His problem was bigger than that! "Do I look like I still care about them?"

"He doesn't need girls anymore, Ai Pha." Kit, who was sitting on the other side of Phana, whispered. Beam could hear it, but Kit was Kit. He was the nosiest best friend Beam ever had. Bizarrely, Kit often knew what probably happened when Beam or Phana was in a huff. "Ai Forth has been ignoring his messages since earlier in the morning."


"And you?" Phana asked Kit back. "You look so cheerful today. Have a date with Nong Ming, do you?"


Beam didn't pay attention to the rest of Phana and Kit's conversation until Phana said something that put Beam to stop typing a message for Forth. "Won't you let Forth be for now? He might be taking care of stuff in his faculty. Engineering is not an easy thing to handle."

Beam held his breath. Of course, there was possibility that Forth was full of activity. Med students were not the only one who can be busy as they want. Yeah, like hell Beam wanted to be this busy. He never expected to have to deal with this entire doings.

"Can you take care of the assignments for like... first 15 minutes? I need those times to get back here." Phana gave Kit a request.

"Where will you go?"

"Nong Yo."

"Doesn't he know how busy you are today?"

"He knows."


"I want to meet him."

No one as happy as Phana and Wayo, Beam thought. "Happy couple." He mumbled.

Phana smirked at Beam, "You don't need to envy me. Your boyfriend is amazing, isn't he?"

"Like yeah, he doesn't even reply my messages."

"Wow." Kit yowled. This kind of act that Kit made always annoyed Beam. "You must be missing him so much."

"Do you mind if I am?"

"Of course not, I am also happy for Forth."

"I am not happy right now, Ai Kit."

"You should follow Ai Pha's example." Kit teased Beam using Phana who was sitting between them.

Beam suddenly got an idea. "Should I go to engineering building?"

That question made Phana turned his face again at Beam. While Kit did the same thing as Phana. He was grinning.

"Ai Pha can freely go to where Nong Yo is. Should I try that way? I mean, Forth is not replying my text." Beam desperately wanted to do something about his problem.

"You are panic, Beam. Chill out." Phana cautioned. "He is probably testing you."

"No way." Beam denied. "Forth is not someone like that."

"Yeah, whatever." Phana alleged. "Do whatever you want, then."

But it was true, Beam talked to himself in mind. Forth was not someone who immaturely play with others' heart.

2Moons The Series Fanfic: Slices of Moons' Life ❤Where stories live. Discover now