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"Well, Carolina, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Luke," the tall boy said, reaching his hand out towards me. I looked at it with wide eyes and hesitantly brought my own hand to his for a short handshake. It shouldn't even be considered a handshake, I basically brushed his hand and then awkwardly shoved mine back in my pocket. Regardless, the millisecond of a touch brought me a lot less discomfort than I usually receive from these casual contacts.

"So what book were you looking for?" I asked awkwardly, rocking back and forth on my heels. My eyes scanned the small shop, trying to avoid locking eyes with this beautiful stranger.

"That's the problem, I'm looking for something new but I'm not sure what. You have any thoughts?" he asked, his voice kind and inquiring. He seemed genuinely concerned about not being able to find a book, something that I wouldn't have expected from his appearance. I took a calm breath and smiled lightly. He awkwardly smiled back and I noticed he had a small stud on his lip.

"Follow me, I know some good ones," I started walking towards the fiction section and gestured for him to come along. I scanned the shelf in search for one of my favorite books. "Here, not sure if you'd be into this kind of stuff but it's one of my favorites. It's a trilogy. It's kinda girly and lovey, but still very good, according to my dad." I felt like May, rambling on like this. He let out a brief chuckle and took the book from my hands. I took a few deep breaths and pretended like our hands didn't just brush.

"Yeah, this sounds cool, thanks." I nodded with a curt smile and took books two and three off the shelf. He quickly shook his head. "I'm good with just this one for now," he said.

"Trust me, once you start you won't be able to stop. You should really get all three," I tried to persuade without getting too car-salesman-y.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to come back tomorrow," he cocked a smile and raised his eyebrows at me, his blue eyes filled with a challenge and something else. I blushed a little, confused, and began walking back to the counter. I heard him laughing again as I found my way to the front of the store.

"That'll be $7.84 please," I said with the most professional voice and fake smile I could muster up. Luke appeared to be amused by this. He has an interesting laugh. It doesn't match his voice- it's too soft. He paid with a ten, leaving all of his change in the tip jar.

"I guess I'll see you around Carolina," he said with a smile as he left. He has a really nice smile too, one of those ones that makes you want to smile with him.

"What was that all about?" Anna asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. I had counted on her staying asleep throughout this whole encounter but apparently I couldn't be so lucky. I rolled my eyes at her and shrugged.

"Nothing, I don't know what you're thinking, but I don't even know the kid," I replied, going back to my book. She just hummed knowingly and mumbled something about how cute he was while I refused to acknowledge her.

I tried to focus on the pages in front of me but I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the tall boy with the bright blue eyes.


"I'm home," I said, probably not loud enough for anyone to hear anyways. I let the door close behind me and made my way upstairs to my room. I kicked off my shoes, dropped my bag on the floor, and started wondering why I even came home. There's nothing to do here. I keep myself locked up in my room all day and nobody seems to know the difference, so what would happen if I felt adventurous one night and decided to run off somewhere? I bet I could make it past Ohio by sunrise.... This happened to be daily thought that ran through my head, though one that I would never act on. I needed to figure out what I was going to do with my life before I became adventurous.

"Hey, Care. I'm going out for a bit, see you tomorrow. I'll probably be late," my mom said as she poked her head into my room. I nodded and faked a smile which she gladly accepted. I don't think my mother wants to face the fact that I'm not happy just sitting at home all night while she's off doing whatever she does. She "goes out for a bit" nearly every night, and the nights she doesn't, her boyfriend hangs out here. His name is Ron and I guess he's a mechanic or something. Alex, my little brother, gets along with him fine. I think I've really only seen the guy twice; I try my best to avoid socializing with the man who replaced my father.

I hate that my dad left. I know that Mom was cheating and that they had been having problems for a while but he didn't have to move across the country. He didn't have to go without putting up a fight for us.


I walked into the bookstore with a bag of bagels in one hand and three coffees in the other, trying my best not to drop anything. It being the first Monday morning of summer vacation, I decided to surprise May and Anna with a nice breakfast- little did I know it would be this difficult to balance everything in my arms and still be able to open doors.

"Carrie, honey, here, let me help," May greeted as the coffees were taken from my hands. "I'm going to assume these are for us. Thank you, honey. Very thoughtful..." May grabbed two bagels and two coffees, one for Anna I guessed, and carried them to the back room. "Just cashier when you're ready, hun'. Anna and I have some stocking and stuff to do in the back today." I nodded and brought my breakfast to my spot behind the counter.

Hours later, still parked behind the register, I finished the book I had been working on since yesterday. I guess the first Monday of summer wasn't a popular day at the bookstore. We've only had two or three customers all day and it was already three o clock. I sat still and looked around the small store that meant so much to me. This little place was my escape.

For the second day in a row, I heard a throat clear in front of me. And for the second day in a row, I was met with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Carolina, what a pleasant surprise," Luke said, smiling cheerfully.

"Finished it already?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Hey, I told you I would be back today," he replied.

"That you did. Looking for the second book?" I replied, breaking eye contact, allowing myself a small smile.

"I found it on my own this time," he said while holding up the paperback. "Very good book by the way. I feel like your father's description of it was spot on. I also was thinking, in exchange for your wonderful book recommendation, I could buy you a coffee some time. Or now, whenever you're free."

The blonde boy smiled cheekily and looked at me for a response. I felt my face heat as I looked down. There was a cheesy grin on my face that I couldn't shake off. I shouldn't have coffee with this boy, no matter how much I want to.

"How about you come back after you finish book three," I said.

"I guess I should buy that one then too, I'll see you soon, Carolina," he chuckled as he paid for both books. My eyes followed him as he walked out of the store, glancing back at me once as he left.

What did I just get myself in to?


i promise this isn't going to be as cheesy as it seems (okay it might be, but i'm going to try and make it good)

pls vote and share and whatever else you can do idk tape it on ur forehead okay sry ily have a good day


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