Chapter 1

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((A:N// Just saying real quick, Bagukou is more of a flirty bully in this. If that makes sense? So he's still hot-headed but he's just super flirty about it. Like a fuck boy I guess.  Ehhh I dont know. Hope you enjoy..?))


"Izuku wait up!" You called as you ran quickly to catch up with the green-haired male. He turned around at your voice as he stood holding the straps of his bag as his eyes lit up.

"Good morning (Y/n)-Chan! Where did you go earlier by the way?" He called with a smile as you panted softly, standing next to him as you wrapped your arms around him happily to which he returned with a small blush.

"(Y/n)-Chan your acting weird this morning.. Are you alrigh-"

"It's your birthday silly!" You shouted excitedly as he looked at you, confusion written all over his face as you unlatched yourself from the taller boy. Immediately after you swung your backpack over your shoulder as you started to rummage through the countless papers to find his present. 

"AHHHH IT IS MY BIRTHDAY" He panicked as you sighed in relief, digging out the wrapping from your bag as Izuku put his hands on his face.

"THAT'S WHY YOU RAN OUT THE HOUSE!" He shouted in realization as you cocked your head to the side cheekily. "Yep!" You replied as he blushed. The boy panicked inwardly. How awkward..

"Happy Birthday Izuku-Chan!" You beamed as you broke the boy out of his muttering, he paused and looked from your hands to your face as steam radiated off his head. A comical boom was sounded as the boy dramatically threw his head back. You giggled softly, which then turned to full-blown laughter as the boy slowly rolled his head back forward. You could barely see his eyes through the tears that comically slid down his cheeks.

"(Y/N)-CHN HOO DIRNT HAF KOO!" ( (Y/n)-Chan You didn't have to!" ) he wailed as he accepted the present happily, sniffing down the tears as you wipedmost of the them with your sleeve happily.

Once the wrapping paper had been properly removed he begun bawling even more as he engulfed you in a hug.

"HANK YOO SO MUCH" ( Thankyou so much )

"Ahaha anything for my best friend!" You beamed at him as you started to walk again after checking your phone briefly.

"Come on you big baby! School starts soon!" You chuckled as he nodded and begun to nod. Putting the All Might merchandise in his bag as he caught up to you.

The rest of the walk was relatively lively as you both conversed over (Your Favourite Anime). Soon enough you found yourself in your seat as you watched Izuku unpack his bag. A large smile on his face as you looked away. Glad to see him happy. The morning went slow after that, classes went quickly from one to another and soon you found yourself in last lesson. You drowned out most of what the teacher had to say as you stared out the window tiredly. Rubbing at your eyes with a frown you didn't even realise the teacher had shouted something until a paper flew in your face. You blinked and caught it, looking over the first few words 'What will happen in your future?' You scrunched your face up in confusion as the whole class suddenly bounded out of their seats, show casing all their quirks as you drew a breath in. Glancing at Izuku who hid his head as you looked at him sadly. 

The teacher called for them to sit down and you rolled your eyes, a small frown on your face as you yawned. 

'Damnit' You groaned inwardly as you rested your head in your hand. A few minutes wouldn't hurt right? Before you could actively stop yourself you were out like a light.

" ght?"


You squinted slightly as you begun to sit up, popping your back as you looked around. Eyes widening in horror.


You quickly glanced at your watch. Its the end of the day already?!

"Izuku you bastard, your sniffling woke that chick up" You sharply turned to the mocking voice as the sleep washed out of your eyes instantly. It was then that you noticed the familiar green mop of hair slumped against the wall with three boys stood in front of him, all had their eyes trained on you as you jumped out of your chair angrily.

"What is the meaning of this?" You said as your brows creased.

"Pftt can't you see? Or are you just that fucking dumb?" The one in the middle cackled as the other two chuckled with him. 


"Listen, I don't know what exactly your trying to get at but whatever it is I suggest you stop." you mused daringly as you walked over to Izuku, biting on your lip as your eyes flicked to his bag slumped into the corner, half empty. His papers were scattered on the floor and you could even see the sadness in his eyes. Your fist clenched at your side as you abruptly halted in your tracks. Chest bumping into another as you looked up at the taller person who grinned down at you darkly.

"What are you gonna do about it if I don't babe?" 

You flinched, face tinting pink slightly as he threw his head back and cackled.

"Yo guys look! She's blushing!" The others laughed and you paused. Cracking your fist.

"H-ha.. You wanna go?" You dared, blush slightly darker than it was before in embarrassment as you stepped back defensively. His eyes fluttered from his friends back to you.

"In what way? If your gesturing to sex i'm all up for i-"

"N-No! Dude what the fuck!" You sputtered as you stepped back again. Losing composure as he stepped forward, effectively cornering you in the wall as he ran his hands up your sides. Your breath hitched and your face effectively resembled a tomato as you weakly tried to shove him back.

Why did he have such an effect on you?!

"Mmm I like you like this, so vulnerable and cute~. Say.. Wanna bust this place? We could go back to my place and have some fun" He chuckled, you bit down on your lip as your body shook under him.

Fuck.. No!

You lifted your hand to activate your quirk but before you could he took it in his own and brought it to his lips, licking over your fingers seductively as you tried to angled your finger at his tongue. Before you could he slammed your hand back against the wall.

"Sorry Baby girl, can't have you doing that now can I? After al-"

"Stop it!" Izuku shouted as he looked at you worriedly.

Bagukou turned to him with a hiss, "Shut the fuck up you quirkless little bitc-" 

"Katuski, we should probably leave before they close the school gat-" One of the guys said as they pointed out the window as the gate-keeper got ready to shut the gates. Bagukou tch'd.

"Fucking idiot" Katsuki turned around, still keeping a firm grip on your wrist.

"You killed the fucking mood." He cursed, using his free hand to rub his temple.

You recovered from the ideal. Snapping out of it quickly you used the moment to your advantage as your eyes shone (F/c), a wispy (S/f/c) mist enveloped you as you pulled in the air around you and forced it back out as Bagukou and the two others were pinned to the wall. You made a dash for Izuku as you flicked your wrist at the papers, causing them to levitate and float into the bag. You picked up the bag and ran for Izuku, making an attempt to pick him up but he was to heavy. You strained your power again and used your levitation to float him out. You slammed the door behind you and bolted. Knowing your power would run out on the boys and soon enough they would come running.

You ran and ran, straining your strength on Izuku as you got past the gates. The keeper just blinked at you weirdly but kept quiet.

A minute after and you paused under a bridge. Collapsing on the sides of the wall as you softly released Midoriya. You placed a shaky hand over your chest as you tried to calm your racing heart.

What the heck was that? 

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