Chapter 6

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A:N// I dont actually know lol sorry

"Izu-Chan Look!" You beamed, pointing at the dance floor excitedly as he sweat dropped nervously.

"Aha yeah.. It looks nice.. You should go dance" He said, backing away slightly. You deadpanned at him and grabbed him by the arm as the boy yelped. 

"Dont be such a bummer Izu-Chan" 

He stumbled onto the dance floor beside you as you swayed to the music. He screamed internally, feeling most eyes go onto the both of you as he awkwardly shuffled. 

You had decided to go out as a celebration for the both of you passing your exams and getting into yuuei, it was supposed to be a mutual decision but you had pretty much forced Midoriya into going to a family club ((A:N// No underage hahahAHA))  much to the green boy's dismay. He wasn't one for dancing or partying due to his lack of dance experience and confidence. He was moreover thinking of a meal out but there was no arguing with you once you had your mind set. He was already pooped out from the morning- you had practically dragged him round the shopping centre.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as you suddenly clapped your hands in his face, stepping back as you completely relaxed your body into the beat. He stopped and smiled at you, for someone who didn't go dancing regularly you really knew how to work your body.

You laughed at him and pulled him by his arm off the dance floor. 

"Your so awkward Izu-Chan!" You snorted as you both made it out of the club, your usual (S/c) cheeks were flushed from dancing and the rooms temperature. Izuku went a bright red and waved his arms in defense.

"I didnt even want to go to the club anyway!" he pouted and crossed his arms over his suit, you paused. 

"Oh? Where did you want to go?" You said cluelessly, as if you didn't hear his pleas to go somewhere else before you paid the doorman for the tickets  into the club.

Izuku stared at you in disbelief, "That restaurant I told you about this morning!"You paused, realisation dawning on you as multiple sweat drops formed on your brow.







"SHUT UP!! WE NEED TO GET TO THE RESTAURANT QUICKLY THEN BEFORE THEY ALL SHUT" You shouted, looking down at your phone as it read 9:48


Thus began the angry running.

When you both arrived you looked a mess, he was red all over and his suit was slightly messy. You on the other hand, looked better than him due to your wind ability you were able to cast a small wind behind you, pushing you faster and increasing your stamina, however your outfit was a little everywhere- worse than Izukus.

Your thigh highs deflated to your ankles and your skirt rode up a bit. Your hair was drenched in sweat and your baggy jumper clung to you-also drenched in sweat.

The waiter looked at you like you were both mad when you first came in but nevertheless let you in after you threatened to call his manager. 

It was actually quite lively in the restaurant you were in due to the time- you were surprised. Izuku and you both took turns in freshening up in the toilets- if it weren't for your countless deodorants and hairsprays the both of you would have been considered poor /homeless.

The night was going well actually, food came within 40 minutes and Izu was finally having fun, you excused yourself to the toilet as you walked along the corridor- you couldn't help the feeling of being watched however and you quickened your pace.  Looking behind almost nervously as you bumped into a sturdy chest. You yelped and fell back, closing your eyes awaiting impact- only to feel strong sturdy arms slither round your waist. 

You shuddered as you pulled against a wall.

"Mmm? Look what we've got here~" A familiar voice droned as you opened your eyes in shock.


"Sup DollFace"

"Why are you here?"

"Dumbfuck parents brought me out, boring as shit. But now your here you might just turn this round for me. Feel like fucking in the disabled toilet?" He said, your nose crinkled in disgust as a wild grin overtook his face

"Im good you know? Besides I Need to shit" you lied bluntly, trying to push him off you as he just pressed himself further up against you.

You shivered.

"I dont mind, im not really a fan of anal anyway"


"Makes it more exciting right?"

"W-what the heck?"

"Pftttt your so funny, who you here with anyway?"

"None of your business" You huffed, turning away from him as he cocked his head.

"Better not be a guy, ill blow his brains out"

"You can try"

"Is that a threat? how hot~"  He nudged his knee in between your thighs, rubbing up against you. You sighed, looking down the hallway to see if anyone would come and hopefully get you out of this mess-alas it was empty and much to your dismay he had gotten awfully close to your panties.

You screeched feeling his knee meet your crotch, activating your quirk against him as you pressed wind in all directions. His eyes widened a fraction as he went to blast an explosion inn the area. However he didn't want to risk you getting hurt and instead let your wind hit him. Flying him off towards the mens bathroom you as you ran in the opposite direction. Izuku looked at you confusingly along with the other people as you practically threw money on the table- a little more than needed but you couldn't care less as you pulled Izuku by the back of his collar. He screamed in shock and off the both of you went out the door.

You didn't stop running until you reached home, throwing Izuku at the door aas he yelped, the door flinging open as you jumped over the boy, him scrambling up in confusion, anger, hurt and suprise as you slammed the door to your room shut.

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