Chapter 3

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Tears cascaded down your face as you choked out a few sobs, not bothering to pull out of the hug as you pressed your face in his chest. God this was embarrassing..

"You know.. I have a secret too." He said as the feeling of his arms on you slightly disappeared, replaced with smaller skinnier arms. He pulled back and you stared at him up and down. Seeing the steam freely fly off his body. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew, staying in that form for so long really gets tiring..." He mused. Looking at you with anticipation.

"Ha.. That's.. Sad? I'm sorry" You said, holding out your arms to the male. It was his turn to be shocked as he looked at you. Shock in his eyes.

"Red? I- uh.. Its fine you know?" 

You pulled back.


"Lovely name" He complimented as you chuckled and sat down, him following shortly as you both sat in silence for a good few minutes. Staring out at the lake peacefully. The scenery around it was gorgeous, breath taking even. The purple, red hues glided peacefully through the sky so perfectly it made you envy it. It was to perfect. The birds chirping just made it even worse. You sighed and layed down. All might followed in unison as the purple faded into a dark blue 

"So.. I suppose I should tell you my story huh?" All might said, scratching his cheek.

"No need, it was from that fight last year with that guy.. Can't put a name on him.. But I remember, his quirk was something like the All for One correct?" You guessed. In a second All might bolted upright, worry on his expression. As he choked on plain air, looking forward to you with mixed emotions.

"How do you-?!"

"It's fine. I won't tell anyone" you said, hair covering your eyes so he would miss the small tears that came through your eyes. But he noticed. He noticed all right.

"(Y/n) I-"

"I suppose I should tell you my story huh?" You mimicked as you sat up again and looked him in the eyes sadly. His eyes urged you on patiently.

"It.. It all happened 7 years ago.. I was 8. I had manifested my quirk three years before that when I was 5 and-" You paused.

"I was so happy, my quirk was Air control. My Mothers was Electrification and My Fathers was Lasso." you fists bawled into your skirt angrily.

"Home life was good until one day my stupid 8 year old self decided to point out that I didn't share anything in common with my parents quirks. But.. I had the same quirk as my neighbour.. His name was Tokio. I really admired him and my stupid stupid self.. I-i pointed it out"

All might looked down to the ground with a frown.

"Yeah, my father put two and two together and one thing lead to another. He got so angry, he went mad at mum and beat her, harder and harder... I still remember her screams, then he turned to me and the same thing I guess." You breathed shakily.

"Anyway so he left and ran off to god knows where. Taking the money with him, he left me and my mum by ourselves and to say my mum lost the plot would be an understatement. She got so angry and beat me. That went on for a...a w-while" You stopped, remembering the times she had used her quirk on you and the scars left behind because of it

"Anyway, some hack was going round. About kids making money, so she sent me straight into it. Told me not to come back and that. Told me to be good. Told me to make money. then came the threats and that.." you trailed off. All might taking in every piece of information you handed him. 

"Oh sorry, i'm not getting to the point" You said sheepishly.

"Don't be! i'm sure its hard for you" he pointed out with half a smile. Worry chewing at him, god you had been through enough with just that.

"Anyway, they selected a few children from the survey. I was considered to be lucky. Lucky to be chosen. What bullshit" You spat as your vision darkened.

"It was alright at first, there were 11 of us. Then after a few months they started taking us into these rooms and experimenting on us. It started out light and we didn't mind it. We had all came from rough backgrounds so for us it was really good. The experiments weren't so bad, they treated us carefully. Then my friends, started to disappear after a few months and I-" You shook uncontrollably. All might quickly placed an arm around you, rubbing circles on your shoulder. 

"Its fine! Seriously, you don't have to push yourself" He muttered softly 

You put a shaky hand up.

"N-no it's fine, I can keep going.." You sniffled, wiping your tears away hastily.

"It started with the youngest of us, he grew quite weak and he was taken away to be experimented on.. He never came back. It was like that for a while, the children I had grown to be quite fond of disappeared one after one then it was just me and a few other kids. The people experimenting on us grew quite hostile after that, they treated us roughly and threatened us. We were severely beaten if we protested against it or didn't behave. And the experiments.. Fuck.. They didn't anaesthetize us or anything." You shouted, your lower back twitched harshly as you sighed.

"That fucking thing! They were convinced there was a way to create artificial quirks... Soon enough they separated us and we were kept in the experiment rooms. We weren't fed, just injected with nutrients to help our bodies withstand the experiments.. I didn't see those kids again after a while.. the experiments continued, getting more and more rushed with each surgery they performed. That was the one that left me with that fucking thing!" You said harshly as All might just sat and listened depressingly.

"Sorry, i'll elaborate. They gave me a fucking built in weapon, it's in my center back. It really hurts to use it and I can't bring it out on instinct but.." You stopped.

"When I do it's like I loose consciousness.. Everything goes black and I-"

You gulped.

"This thing comes out.. This demon that just takes over, it's like i've got it trapped in my body.. It speaks to me sometimes, and it was at that time. Through all those screams and all that pain it just came out. Those tentacles, rock hard ((A:n// You ever watched tokyo ghoul? Yes no..? If you haven't search up what a kagune is but yeah. Its Kaneki's Kagune ;))) and really, really fucking sharp. Anyway, I killed everyone, everyone in that room. It's really hard to remember but I went into the other rooms and rampaged everywhere, those tentacles stabbing into everything they could.. My body just there.." You laughed to All might's surprise as tears wildly flew out of your eyes.

"You know what All might? You know the Levineken massacre?" The man nodded as you choked back a sob.

"All me! I killed 57 of them and those two kids. Ones i personally considered family.. I killed them too! Blowing everything up and just fucking leaving.. I woke up on the streets the next morning, i was so out of it. Soaring head ache, malnourished and really fucking hungry.. It was so weird though. To see the light after all those years. Anywho, Midoriya found me and took me in with his mum. Those two saved my life" you smiled, 

"I did research on it and everything, turns out the guy who had the experiment arranged was the one with the all for one. I remembered one of the surgeons blurting some shit about it and then he was killed. I don't know his name though, or face." You clarified nervously as you calmed down. You looked at All might who had his gaze on the ground, a dark expression plastered on his face. Then you noticed the tears coming off his eyes and your breath hitched.

"I'm so sorry.. With all of my heart i am so.. So very sorry. There was an investigation for all of that, but it was heavily overlooked by government and police officials. But hearing how awful it must have been for you out there I can't honestly describe to you how truly sorry i am"

You smiled.

"It's fine"

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