Chapter 1

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Bella P.O.V

 I sigh as I feel the child behind me start to kick my chair for the tenth time on this train journey. Thank God its my stop. I grab my suitcases and make my way to the doors, smiling tightly at the mother of the annoying kid.

Stepping out of the carriage I wipe the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. Stupid fucking heatwave. This is meant to be England.

Pulling my luggage behind me, I crane my neck to look over the crowds of people.

"Darling! Sweetheart! Over here!"

I hear my Mums angelic voice over the hustle and bustle of the sea of people. My eyes dart around the crowd, anxious to see Mum for the first time in about a year, since my 17th birthday. 


I hear her scream as she pushes through a crowd of people eyeing her strangely.


I scream back. I drop my luggage as we engulf each other in a huge hug.

"Oh I've  missed you so much Bella!"

"I've missed you more Mum."

We chuckle as she wipes a few tears from her eyes.

"Well? How are you then?"

She asks as she grabs one of my suitcases and we begin to walk to her car.

I think about how to answer. I don't want to lie but I'm not telling her whats happened to me in the last year. 

"Fine Mum. College was college. Not much to tell." 

I shrug it off hoping she would take that as a sufficient answer.

"What about you? Whats new?"

I question, trying to change the subject onto her. Ever since Dad died 2 years ago I know shes been trying to keep herself busy. I was only 16 but I had college so had some sort of distraction, although that didn't stop me from doing stupid things at all. But, I have learnt how to cope with it now that I'm 18. 

She sighed and cleared her throat.

"Well, I have some news to tell you but I think we should wait until we are home."

I frown at her suspiciously as we approach the car.


I trail off.

"Now lets get  my baby home!"


As we pull up to the large white house, memories come flooding back. The long summer nights sitting out by the pool, the dark winter evenings sat around the fire place. And my Dad. Before I overthink things I shake off the thoughts and pull my suitcase behind me.

"We haven't really changed much since you've been gone sweetie."

"I didn't think you would Mum."

I chuckle. She was always too busy with work. She's a lawyer, so we've always had good money and that why we have such an amazing house.

As I followed Mum through to the living room, I noticed one thing had changed massively; there was a lack of photos. Our walls were always full of pictures of everyone, now there was only a few of Mum, me and one of us two and Dad. I frowned and turned to Mum.

"Mum, wheres all the pictures of-"

As I faced her I saw a man who I didn't recognise with his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Erm? Hi?"

I raise a brow and fold my arms over my chest dismissively. Who the fuck is this?

"Uh, sweetie, this is Will. This is what I wanted to tell you about."

"About him?"


"What about him?"


She pauses and holds her hand out showing off a large sparkling ring on her engagement finger. A lump forms in my throat as I try to comprehend what is happening right now. 

"You're getting re-married? To some guy I've never met? And you decide to tell me now?"

"Well yes but-"

"Mum, I haven't even met this fucking dude!"

I raise my voice and throw my arms up in the air in disbelief, making them both flinch slightly.

"Now listen, William is one of your fathers work colleagues and-"

"Was. Was one of his work colleagues."

I say bluntly staring at him hardly not that he seemed fazed. An uncomfortable silence forms until he breaks it. 

"Well, I was one of his closest colleagues and I can promise you that I love your mother with all of me."

I scoff as she blushes at his words. What bullshit. One of his closest colleagues? I've never even heard of the guy.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit."

I turn away and head for the door without even thinking twice about it. I hear my mother sigh.

"Bella, please, he makes me happy."

"Good. I'm happy for you. Both of you. I'll see you at breakfast."

I respond snarkily. Maybe I am being selfish but wheres the common courtesy?! I swing the door open and storm down the path, knocking someone hard on the chest and my own shoulder on the way. I mumble a 'sorry' but don't look up to see their face, so I just keep carry on walking.

How shitty can today get?

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