Chapter 5

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Logan P.O.V:

I straightened out my suit jacket and shirt, adjusting my cuff links for the tenth time this evening.

People danced around me as the thumping music played through the house. I didn't think Sarah would throw such a modern party, not that I'm complaining. The room full of dressed up people constantly moved as I sipped from the whiskey glass which I had a firm grip on. But I wasn't feeling so casual, in fact my eyes kept darting around for someone. Little Bella. It's just too damn dark and there's too many people. 

"Hi there."

A very seductive voice purred, pulling me from my thoughts. I look to my side to see a stunning tall blonde with ocean blue eyes. My kinda girl all over.

"Hi to you."

I smirked. Time to work some magic.

"So is it Sarah or Will you're here for?"

She questioned, looking at me through her eyelashes.

"Sarah. I'm Logan Conti, one of her oldest friends."

I state, sticking out my hand to grab hers and kiss her knuckles. She blushes dramatically at the action. Kind of over the top but whatever.

"And who might you be, beautiful?"

Charms  for days.

"I'm Lucy, Sarah's cousin. I'm surprised she's never introduced us."

I know exactly why she hasn't.

I think to myself.

"Well, we've met now, and don't I feel lucky."

Charm, charm, charm, charm, charm.

"I'd say so. Would you like to get a drink, or a re-fill?"

She gestures at my empty glass and I nod, smiling. God knows I need it. She turns and walks in front of me, allowing me to admire her figure; skinny and model-like, plastered in a short white dress, not my usual type but I want to get laid. No. I NEED to get laid. 


I tell myself. Typical me.

For the next hour or so we flirt and chat and I know she wants me too. I excuse myself to use the bathroom and get a bit of a breather. I don't normally talk to women this long before sleeping with them, but something tells me I need to work on this one before she gives in, Hopefully just a bit longer.

On the way I get approached by a few people to chat briefly and flirt but I escape quickly and get to the bathroom and out again as quick as I can. I didn't realise how many people Sarah had invited until I look down the stairs at the packed house.

Jesus Sarah. Good luck cleaning this up tomorrow.

Shaking my head I make my way back down to the fine Lucy. When I reach the two seats, she's not there. Oh hell no. I am not losing out on a good bang tonight.

Moving through the crowd of people in the living room, the music gets deafeningly loud and the bass goes straight through me to my core. I crane my neck over the dancing guests and I spot some guy forcing himself on someone, I'm guessing a woman but I can't see past his form that's towering over the other person. 

Anger boils up in me as I storm over to the dimly lit corner without thinking, pushing people out of my path.


I shout over the music. He turns with a sly look on his face and I see a short girl turning her head to the side, making it hard to see who it actually is.

"Yeah? I'm busy dude."

"Oh like fuck you are!"

I state, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back before he goes so touch the woman again. I step in front of the girl so me and this creep are now face to face.

"What the fuck?!"

He walks back up to me and squares up.

"Try me."

I sneer. After a few seconds he backs down.

"She's not worth it anyway."

"Oh fuck you!"

The woman shouts over my shoulder at him which makes me crack a smile.

"Yeah yeah, we'll be seeing you around though dollface, don't you worry about that."

He then backs away into the crowd and completely blends in. 

I straighten out my suit and re adjust my smile.

"Are you okay Miss?"

She turns her head and looks up at me with the most stunning eyes I've ever seen. 

Eyes that I recognise immediately.

Eyes that I am so fond of.

Eyes that I've fucking missed.

Little Bellarina.

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