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It was a free day for the Yoruzuya and they decided to pay the computer shop a visit.

They got their own computer sections and started doing stuff.

Shinpachi searched various songs of his idol Otsuu Terekado.

Gin played the monkey hunter and on the other hand,  Kagura just can't think of doing anything.

"Ahhwww,this place is soo boring. I wish I just visited the park or Soyo-chan. Ughhh and it also reeks." Kagura complained as she opened the computer.

Sighing, she clicked the Goggle Chime logo and started searching randomly, a frown plastered on her face.

While exploring, an advertisment popped up. It was an ad of the website "Chaterzy" : Where you can join dorms that'll connect you around the world. It says.

Kagura, out of options and obviously feeling unoccupied at the moment, unhesistantly clicked it.

There was different dorms. This got her curious and read the choices out loud.

° Geeks Dorm

° Mean Dorm

° Cool Dorm

° Idiots Dorm

° Pervs Dorm

She grimaced since nothing seemed to interest her until she set sight on a little option below that grabbed her attention.  It says ' Create own dorm ' .

The dorm she made was named ° Inu Dorm °

She named herself as Sadaharu22.


Sadaharu22:Guess I'll be alone here.

Sadaharu22:Internet is really boring.

Someone joined the party..

Sadaharu22: ?

Sadomaru13:Mind if I join you?



Sadaharu22: hmm??

Sadomaru13: *sigh* Age,Sex,Location duhh...

Sadaharu22: Oh.

16-Female-Kabukicho Edo and you?

Sadomaru13:Why would I tell you? -.-

Sadaharu22:Huh?I just said mine so please be fair. C'mon!

Sadomaru13: :P *smirk*

Sadaharu22: *Nerve Popping* Ughh jerk.

Sadomaru13: Okay okay

If you really insist then.

20-male-Somewhere in Edo

Sadaharu22:Oh you're a boy? and somewhere in Edo?

Sadomaru13: Didn't you notice,how dumb? and yeah somewhere in edo.

Sadaharu22:Why don't you say your real location?

Sadomaru13: Its because I'm a secret agent.

Sadaharu22:Well now you are not because I already knew!Hahaha!

Sadomaru13: Okay whatever. I'm just playing with you.

Sadaharu22: Eh? Such a loser, you're boring me.

Sadomaru13: Well sorry to say I'm not an entertainer. Maybe you'd do better.

Sadaharu22: I'm not an entertainer either.

Sadomaru13: I don't care, amuse me dog.

Sadaharu22: I'm not a dog jerk.

Sadomaru13: But you made this INU dorm and your name is Sadaharu, sounds like a dog's to me.

Sadaharu22: Your name's no different.

Sadomaru13: Whatever.

Sadaharu22: Such a sadist.

Sadomaru13: Thanks for the compliment ;)

Sadaharu22: You really remind me of someone.

Sadomaru13: Oh really who?

Sadaharu22: Nevermind.I really hate that guy, but anyway why are you here in this website?You bored too?

Sadomaru13: Nahh, I just unpurposely clicked this website while working on something. And you? I guess you're looking for some sort of a stranger to fall in love like everybody does in this site.

Sadaharu22: What? They do that here? Eww. I don't care about that anyways.

Oh wait.

Maybe that's why you're here!

Sadomaru13: Really? -_- Do I look like someone who's do that? And aren't you reading what I'm saying just a while ago? I'm working.

Sadaharu22: Well who knows? I haven't seen you yet. And it does seem to me that you've got no girlfriend Hahaha loser.

Sadomaru13: Maybe. I've got no time for whores anyways. And it's not like your different.

Sadaharu22: At least I've got a crush and I'm not uncaring like you.

Sadomaru13: Childish. And I bet his wimpy and annoying like you.

Sadaharu22: He's annoying as hell as you guess but ha! He's not even close to a wimp like you! But I'm still stronger than that sadist.

Sadomaru13: Oh so his a sadist huh? Tell me more about him.

Sadaharu22: Woah why would you want to know more about him huh? Is he even your concern? :P HAHAHA

Sadomaru13: Just get on with it. I'm just interested to know how this lame guy managed to attract weird people.

Sadaharu22: oi he's not that lame you know. Just super lame. HAHA. Well he's 4 years older than me.

Sadomaru13: Really?What a sore loser,your crush is older than you.

Sadaharu22: But he's still a BRAT!! XD

Sadomaru13: Okay?

Sadaharu22: And he's kinda working in an police organization. Makes me wonder how a total sadist gets to be a first division captain,neh?

Sadomaru13: Ohh..

Sadaharu22: Something matters?

Sadomaru13: Anyway the truth I like someone too.

Sadaharu22:Ohohoho I thought you were a heartless bastard. So? What does she look like?

Azure eyes.

Vermillion short hair.

Pale skin.


Sadaharu22: Wow she seems pretty! You too lame to court her? or you're not too confident? HAHAHA

Sadomaru13:Are you serious? I rather make her bow down to me. We're arch enemies for your information.

Sadaharu22: Too? What a coincidence!

Sadomaru13:You are really dense.

Sadaharu22: Eh?

Sadomaru13: I don't know,China.

Sadaharu22: Did you just call me China!?

* Sadaharu22 left the conversation*

Sadomaru13:Guess you liked me china doll.


The sadist liked me?

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