Wonderdog ventures into Antarctica

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This Short story is a little pointless, but i wanted to put it up as i wrote it when i was Eleven years old and i thought it was sort of good for an Elven year old. It's from a Huskies POV.  :)


“I don’t know why I did, what I did. I was feeling all weird and I had mixed messages…”

“Hold up, hold up,” said Cuddles the Fairy penguin, “I still don’t know who you are?”

“I’m Wonderdog. Well I used to be.” I Moaned.

“And what are you doing here again?” asked Cuddles.

“I was trying to get to that. The last time I heard my owner’s voice, he was drifting away into the reckless sea. ‘HELP!’ I heard him say. ‘Don’t leave me here!’ were his last words.

His wife Sally, and his two kids Elly and Alan called me away. I took a look at Sally’s kind gentle face, Elly’s bluish, green eyes and silky long blond hair, Alan’s short brown hair and freckly face and I knew what I had to do, or so I thought anyway. I had to leave Greenland. I ran to the beach followed by my foster family’s shouts, ‘Help, Don’t leave us!’, I knew where I’d heard that one before, but I had to go. I took one look back at their crying faces and I was gone in a flash.

I had to take the next boat to well, wherever the next boat was going. I slowly dodged from ridge to ridge, till I finally reached the harbor. I crawled where the people couldn’t see me. When I came across a fairly big ship, with strange symbols on it, they read A N T A R T I C A. I cheerfully climbed onto this strange ship and wedged myself in between a filing cabinet and a door.

‘Ohh, awww ar’ I had a yucky feeling in my stomach, I thought as the boat started to rock madly. Then I smelt something other than the smell of the sea. ‘It smells like…dog!?’ I exclaimed.

‘Oh, it’s getting closer,’ I thought and then he was right in front of me. He was a sledge dog, a husky just like me, only he looked older.

“Do I know you?” he said in a rough gruff voice, “Your scent smells familiar.”

“Umm,” I stuttered, “I don’t think so.”

“Turk, is that you?” he said.

“D-d-d-d Darren, that’s not you, is it?”

“That’s me bro, I don’t believe it’s really you, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you, well you were only six months old then.”

“I remember you, you were the only one, when you left, wait, why did you leave?” I had said.

“I left to become what our father before us was, a legendary sledge dog, but what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Well George he sort of drowned and I couldn’t take it everyone in my family, including you, kept on leaving me, I, I guess I’m saying, I ran away, I needed to get away, from the pressure, the pain. I wanted to try a new life.” I sighed.

“I am the leader of my sledge dog team,” Darren said proudly, his head high, “So don’t feel bad, it means they have to accept you.” He exclaimed happily. “Come on I’ll show you to the rest of the team, ok,” said Darren.

I mean, I couldn’t believe this, my dream, was always to become a sledge dog and now I find out I’m the son of the best sledge dog around for centaury’s.

“Sarah’s on the deck.” Darren decided after sniffing the air.

“Sarah,” I began slowly, “YOU MEAN SARAHS HERE TOO?!” I shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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