Lunch-time Madness!

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That class ended and Erian took Gianni's survey to turn it in since she had finished her survey. Erian's survey was almost done, but due to lack of time, it didn't get finished. Even Gianni couldn't have prevented it from being turned in as incomplete.

She thanked him for turning in her assignment as soon as he came back to gather his books on his desk. He nodded with a pleasant smile adorning his features.

"So, um...I have English class next." Gianni told him, with a hopeful expression. He frowned, looking a little disappointed. Her features dimmed along with his.

"I have Algebra, unfortunately." He held an apologetic smile. Erian's friends started to gather behind him.

"Oh! G-Good luck!" She waved with a sad smile as they parted into different paths in the hallway.

English passed faster than any other class that day. As soon as Gianni knew it, her hands occupied a lunch tray filled with unknown goop. She was pretty hungry, but the mysterious pile of goop on her tray was less than appetizing. Amira was sitting across from her at the lunch table at that point, and she wanted Gianni to talk about all that had happened today with Erian in Chemistry that she'd missed. 

"He's cuuuute~. You should totally date him!" Amira gushed, albeit, pretty loudly. Gianni was quick to jump up and put her hands over Amira's mouth making her next words come out muffled, "Ohhf cowme oon, I wathn't thaut louwd!" She frowned and tried to justify herself.

"SHHH! That was definitely loud!" Gianni whisper-yelled. Amira just gave her a cheeky smile. Sometimes it was that smile that Gianni absolutely hated.

And, just to her luck, Erian came to their lunch table. He sat beside Gianni, who currently held Amira captive. Gianni realizes her hands were still stuck to Amira's mouth as she slowly turned to look at Erian.

'Totally not suspicious at all, Gianni!'
She cursed to herself.

Immediately, her hands swung to her side, as she awkwardly laughed to herself.

Erian noticed Gianni's plate, which was still completely full of untouched cafeteria food.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked, worry lingering in his eyes.

"No!" She squeaked nervously. Gianni's belly growled in retort.

Erian chuckled and handed her half of his sandwich he had packed before he left his house that morning.

"It's not much, but I hope you'll take it."

Amira snorted in the background, as the two love birds seemingly courted eachother. 

"Aren't you going to feed me too?" She cooed, obviously poking fun at the two. 

Erian laughed nonchalantly, "You brought your own lunch to school, Amira. And you're eating the cafeteria food as well. Yet you're still hungry?" Erian faced Amira, which unbeknownst to him was making him inch closer to Gianni.

"Duh." Amira flicked her hair behind her shoulder dramatically.

Gianni seemed to be the only one having a mental combustion due to the realization that the one and only Erian was sitting next to her.

Helloooooo it's your most FABULOUS Author-chan!! How are you? I hope you are okay. Especially when I'm leaving you with this messy chapter xD


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