Crossed Wires, Part 4 (Cole Sprouse x Reader)

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"And the award for Choice Celebrity Couple is

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"And the award for Choice Celebrity Couple is... Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart!"

The crowd went wild. While Riverdale cleaned up at the Teen Choice Awards this year, the Choice Celebrity Couple Award was a newly-introduced category, and stars from all aspects of show-business were vying for the title. Cole smiled gratefully, hugging KJ and Camilia before walking up to the stage with Lili hand-in-hand.

You sat at the end of the row, smiling politely and clapping for your friends. You'd initially refused to attend, but your agent convinced you–a of last hurrah of sorts (you couldn't say no to free food). You had to admit, it was really fun to be on-stage with everyone to accept the Choice TV Drama Award, and hear everyone's cheers when you were nominated for Choice TV Drama Actress (which went to Lili, of course).

Cole stood on stage, taking the surf board trophy from the presenters. He looked dapper as ever, trading in his sheep-shear jackets and striped hoodies for a fitted tuxedo and slicked hair. Despite everything, it made your heart flutter to see his James Dean smile.

"It is such an honor to receive the first ever Choice Celebrity Couple award," Cole said. "I'd like to thank Roberto for bringing us all together, and Lili for being a great co-star... and KJ for staying out of our way!" Everyone laughed. KJ acted fake-angry.

"Yes, I'd like to thank our families and friends for supporting us in everything we do!" Lili said with a smile. The audience cheered.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" The audience chanted. Cole grinned, leaning into Lili. She wrapped her arms around his neck tilting her face into his. The audience screamed with excitement.

Your heart dropped. You stood up, excusing yourself to the restroom. You didn't need or want to see this. Not on your last day in show-business. KJ grabbed your hand to try and make you stay, but you wrestled it out of his grasp.

You were almost out the door when you heard something from the stage.

"Wait," Cole said.

You turned back. The audience went silent, confused by Cole's outburst. He was reaching out to you, having pulled away from Lili, who looked confused as well.

"I have something to say," Cole said, retaking his place at the podium.

The crew began to scramble around behind him. They hadn't prepared to go off schedule, but the execs ordered the show go on. Anything surprising from Cole Sprouse would double their views.

"I've been lying to all of you," Cole said. The audience gasped. "I am not in a relationship with Lili Reinhart, and I do not wish to be."

You raised an eyebrow, leaning against the doorway. Cole's agent made wild hand gestures from the audience. "You say anything else and you're fired!" The agent yelled.

"In fact, I am in love with someone else. (Y/N) (L/N)."

The audience gasped again, looking back towards you. You blushed, eyes widening in surprise. You even pointed at yourself as if to say, Wait, me?

Cole grinned. "Yes, you. I've been in love with you since the moment I met you, (Y/N). You are the most beautiful, kind, intelligent, wonderful girl I have ever met. No one else has ever made me feel this way in my entire life."

The audience awwed, and you clasped your hands over your heart, feeling it being mended back together.

His expression sobered. "I could never tell you, because The CW threatened to fire me if I killed Sprousehart."

He walked back towards you, the cameras following you. He took your hand.

"No job is worth seeing you walk away from me. I love you."

He leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. The audience cheered, including your friends and co-workers.

You pressed your forehead to his, grinning widely. "Oh God, what did we just get ourselves into?"

Cole smiled. "I don't care what happens, as long as I go through it with you."

Crossed Wires (Cole Sprouse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now