Chapter 1

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Megs POV
*before the virus*

"Sky slow down haha" I yelled and I chased her through the Meadow

"NEVER MEG GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST"  sky yells back we both giggle and continue chasing one another

I tap sky on the shoulder as I slow down to a jog
"Gotcha haha your it now" I giggle

"Ugh I can't ever out run u can I " sky reply I just shake my head smiling she smirks and tackles me and we fall with a thud

"God I can't belive your already 21 jeez your old" I scuff " I'm not that much older than u sky "we both giggle and sigh in a happy trenquil way

We lay there for a while just enjoying the day until eventually we decide we should get up

" race ya back to the car" I say before bolting off toward the parking lot

" hey no fair get back here" she yells back and chases after me .

We get to the car both panting and out of breath but smiling as we get in , I turn the radio on to the new channel and we listen .

•Breaking news, a new virus outbreak is becoming hard to contain we sugest people stalk up and stay indoors for the time being •

Sky and I shake our head and chuckle

" breaking news huh I think their just as fake and dramatic as they come " sky states I nod in agreement

"Hey I need to get gas I'm gonna stop at the neerest one up a few mile wanna get us some road snacks and drinks for our final hotel night tonight? " I ask she just nods  .

I pull in and get out to pump out gas and she gets out to go get snacks and stuff

Five minutes later I'm walking in to pay when I hear sky screaming bloody murder by the bathrooms outside I run to her and see someone eating sky I scream and run to get help but see more dead looking people swarming around the store

'I need to get to my car' I think to myself ...

I wake up in my car shaking from the memories missing sky and dreading the day because it meant this god forsaken apocalypse is still happening

'It's not some dream sadley' I think to myself I quickly start the car and drive off somewhere south of wherever the fuck I was each day is getting more lonely and more long as the months progress.

I hear my car sputter and start to slow down I groan
"NO FUCKING NO JUST GREAT REALLY HAS TO BREAK DOWN NOW UGHH GOD DAMMIT" I yell and punch the steering wheel not caring if walkers heard me

I gather my stuff and get out and start walking into the woods might as well find a place to camp for the night and maybe hunt me a meal or two

I walk for what seems like miles before I find a nice spot to make  camp I quickly grab a knife and carve a w into the trees surrounding the area before walking around looking for anything I can hunt.

After a while I get 2 or 3 squirrels  and spot a deer I grab my throwing knife and went to throw it when an arrow hit its head killing it I quickly hide getting out of view of whoever it was and creep around to get a good look at him

He had dark brown hair ,a leather vest with angel wings on the back, Jeans and combats on I looked for a min but his head started looking around 'he definitely felt u staring you dumbass' I mentaly scold myself

I saw him start walking my way and I quickly got up and ran  toward my camp . I could hear him running close behind me when I tripped and tumbled onto the ground on my ass.

I had taken karate prior to the apocalypse and still remembered some stuff so I quickly got up and roundhouse kicked him on the shoulder before grabbing my gun and aiming it at him

"what in te hell are ye doing girl" the man asked

" who are you" I reply snappy

" I ain't telling ye shit till you tell me yer name and why te the hell ye were watching me" he said just as snappy

" my names Meg massacer and I was gonna kill that deer but u got it first I hid and watched you too see if ether A) I knew you or B) if you were of potential harm which you were so I ran now you tell me your name and why the he'll you chased me and than I will put the gun down" I replied fast and serious

"OK te names daryl and I chased ye because I thought you were someone from the governers group " as he replied I put my gun back in its holster and nodded my head

" do you have a group" I asked

" yea what about ye "  I shook my head at his answer
"Been alone since the start" I reply honestly

" look ye can join mine but I got 3 questions to ask ye" he states I just nod my head signalling him to go on

" OK question one how many walkers have u killed" he asks

"Too many to count " I answer and he continues

" how many people have you killed and why" he asks

"Only ever had to kill 1 person because he was holding this young girl captive sadley he killed her as a reflex to me killing him" I replied my voice full of sorrow

He just nods

" OK come with me unless u have a camp to grab from " I shake my head since I had everything with me  and start to follow him

" so how big your group?" I ask attempting to make small talk

" decently sized right now" daryl replies I just nod ..

Soon we arrive at a prison  and the gates open revealing a man in a sheriffs hat , an Asian guy and a black woman wielding a katana the others all had guns up and raised except the sheriff guy ...

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