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Riker Pov

We were now outside the old warehouse, with no weapons. We had police on speed dial, and we were ready to save our sister. I told the boys to pick Rydel over me, if it came down to that. It scares me, but I'm willing to do it for my baby sister.

We all got out of my car and walked through the doors of the old building. I could hear her screaming for help. Whip!

He's beating her.

There was five large pillars so we all stood behind one of them. I finally got a glance of Rydel and I gasped quietly.

She was wearing only her undergarments. He hair was all knotted. She was only bone, and you could see old makeup that came off from crying still on her face.

The man in all black was beating Rydel and before I had the chance to stop Ryland, he already ran over to her.

Ryland Pov

I ran to the man and punched him square in the face. He fell on his back so I had the chance to run over to Rydel. "Baby" I whispered. I pulled her fragile body into my lap and rocked her back and forth. She was freezing cold, as she was only wearing her undergarments.

I unbuttoned my shirt and put it on her. "Ry" She whispered and hugged me as tight as she could, which wasn't very tight. "Shhh Delly it's ok" I whispered while stroking her hair.

I heard footsteps behind me so I expected the man had stood up, but it was the rest of the guys. "Delly" Riker mumbled and collapsed beside us. The rest of the boys got on their knees to be on our level.

Ross took Rydel out of my arms so that he had a chance to hold on to her. We all held her tight almost as if, she would float away in the wind if we didn't. I could still see Rydel shaking from Ross's grip.

"What the fuck!" The man yelled. Ross stayed with Rydel, but the rest of us stood up, ready to fight him. I gave Ross the look meaning I wanted him to call 911. He nodded and took out his phone.

Without a second thought I pounced on the man again. I punched every square inch of his face. No one messes with our sister and gets away with it.

When the man was finally unconscious we heard sirens then we saw about 7 police officers running into the building.

We let them do their job so we made our way back to our injured sister. Even with all the bruises and knotted hair, she still is beautiful.

Ratliff leaned down to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips. If only she knew what he was doing the night of the party.....

Rocky picked Rydel up bridal style and started walking her out of the building.

Rydel Pov

I held onto my little brother as he walked me out of the terrible building. "I love you Rocky, all of you, always remember that" I whispered and shut my eyes. I honestly feel as if I'm going to die. "Help! We need help!" Ross shouted. That was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious.

Kidnaped......... Rydel Lynch Story Where stories live. Discover now