Chapter 22

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As you can see i"m making  the chapters a bit shorter so that I will update more often... hopefully :)


Chapter 22

Jake POV

I slammed my fist against the table in my room, and ran my hand through my hair, this girl is so fustrating, why won't kate pick up her phone, I knew that the last time we were together it got a little wierd, but is that a reason to avoid me . I tried her phone again, and yet again no answer, then i thought of calling her bestfriend. Obviously if anyone would know what was going on it would be her.

After two rings she answered, I greeted her and told her that I was trying to reach kate, but I think she was avoiding me, She then got quietly.

"hello isabella"

"may I ask who's calling?" she said rather seductively.

"urm it's Prince Jake"

I heard a noise in the background,as if something fell

"hello are you still there"

"yess your highness, what can i do for you today"

"well i've been trying to call kate for a while and she's not answering"

" oh she went somewhere and asked me to hold her phone, and i forgot to charge it i guess"

"ok well when she gets back later and you tell her to call me" i asked.

" well Prince Jake the thing is she went home... as in home home because her mom wanted to have a engagement ball for her and Eric.

I hands instantly tightened into a fist and I was ready to punch through a wall, 

"ok thanks for telling me" my voice hardened.

I signed.

" can i give you some advice?"

"yeah ok"

"well thing is with my best friend is that she is always thinking of people before herself, I know she really likes you but she has a very complicated life and she doesn't want to drag you into it .... but I think you are perfect for each other, so my advice is don't give up without a fight because i want to see her happy and from the first day i saw you and you looked into each others eyes i just knew you guya had to be together"

i was silent for a moment taking in everything she said.

"well now that i'm done being oprah, i gotta go" and she hung up.

I sat down by my computer and took a deep breathe, at that point my computer made a noise indicating that I had an email, I opened it and saw that it was a invite from Princess Kimberly, I remember her coming here a few summers and we had a great time, she was like a sister I never had. I remember when she tried to hook my up with here friends it was horible, honestly I think she did it just to get a laugh out of it.

I smiled at that thouht. Should I go, with the way I'm feeling I'll probably be such a downer.

I went to the gym to let ouy my frustration. I got infront of the punching bag kept hitting it hard.

why did my life have to be so complicated, I can't be with the girl i want; i have to marry this attention seeker lily and somehow eventually run the country.

"woah there, your about to send that bag through the wall" my brother said.

"well i don't care at this point"

"whats wrong"

"Everything man, my life's just f***ed up right now.

he signed and looked at me.

"you need to stop acting like a little bitch"

"what" my facer hardened.

"look man you know i love you and i want to see you happy but sometimes you just have yo let things happen and if you arr met to be together then it'll happen. just stop thinking about it and live alittle.

i signed i knew he was right, i've been ignoring my friend and always cancelling on them because i was either thinking about kate,lily and leading a country.

"i'm sorry, your right i need to do somethjng this wekend"

"well you my friend are in luck" i patted me on the shoulder.

"Princess Kimberly is having a party and if she sent me an invite i'm sure you got one too"


"good then its settled saturday night were going to party, and i'll get to see her gorgous face again" he grinned

my brother has like kimberly for a long time and as much as he is a ladies man he always strikes out with her, but I know she likes him she's just making him work for it.

i"m glad he talked me into going, I need an escape, and for one night to forget that i'm Prince Jacob, and just have fun.

it's been awhile since i wrote in jake's pov and I MUST SAY I LIKE IT LOL

PLZ comment and tell me what u think x.

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now