Chapter 6

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"Lisa?! Oh no! This is no longer just a haunting! My butler was right. This is a fearsome curse. The Curse of the Queen's treasure!" she exclaimed, just as she fainted again.

"Mrs. Ravensdale? Fiona Ravensdale?" I asked as I tried to shake her awake. What had she meant by the Curse of the Queen's Treasure? Besides, curses? I mean, ghosts are one thing but curses are on a whole different level. I don't believe in curses though. Who hasn't heard of Tutankhamen's curse? Those were quite frightening but the reality? No one has proof. I don't believe in anything that can't be proved so I know that this couldn't be a curse or whatever else Mrs. Ravensdale thinks is happening. I hope.

Finally, after a bucket of cold water to her face, Mrs. Ravensdale opened her eyes. "Huh? What's happening? Aahhh! COLD! COLD! Give me some BLANKETS!" she shrieked as she sat up on the couch in the living room.

"Great! You're awake Mrs. Ravensdale!" I exclaimed. Now we can finally get some answers. The skull in my backpack refused to answer any of my questions as it was in a foul mood. Still angry about me shutting the lever on its jar, I suppose.

"Thanks to that awful bucket of water. NOW WILL SOMEONE GIVE ME A TOWEL?!" she glared at us through sopping wet hair.

"Y- Yes." stuttered Holly and went off to get some towels. She soon returned as Lockwood was interrogating Mrs. Ravensdale only to get hysterical answers. She looked very shaken up about this matter. Her eyes kept darting everywhere as if she expected Lisa to jump out from the lingering shadows. I looked outside the bay windows. The sun was starting to go below the horizon and threatening black clouds were slowly drifting towards us.

"Mrs. Ravensdale, I was just wondering if you could tell us more about this...this 'Curse of the Queen's treasure'?" Lockwood inquired.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Lockwood, but it is getting dark. I think Mrs. Ravensdale might like to leave soon." I made my way across the room and sat down when I started to hear a small pat, pat, pattering of the rain.

"Thank you, Ms. Carlisle. I will leave you to this haunting soon but I think you might want to hear this now. Ah yes. The Curse. I hadn't believed in curses at all. No. Not until today, that is." she started.

"It was perhaps a few weeks back when my dear Lisa had gone out into the garden. She found an old family journal that states that the Ravensdale family is related to Queen Amberly Isabel Fernandez, the first Queen of England."

"No way!" George whispered under his breath.

"In that, it said that the Queen was buried somewhere around this mansion. Of course, this was before it was built. At that time, there was a statue of the Queen on these grounds. It's said that the Queen was buried under it with a bountiful of treasure. They were her most prized pieces of jewelry and lots of gold pieces. But the most impressive of this collection is the Cobra Diamond from India. It is said that it was buried with her with all these treasures but no one had found it yet back then. But the Queen's will spoke of a curse--a very horrifying one. Anyone who disturbs the slumber of the Queen and steals the diamond, their loved ones will suffer horrifying consequences while you will be left unharmed so that the pain of losing your family and being able to do nothing about it will slowly torture and kill you." her eyes shifted, glancing at us and watching our reactions. Her brow was stitched together with worry lines and she kept fidgeting.

"And this ties up to the disappearance of Lisa exactly how?" asked George impatiently.

"I...I found the Queen's body. It was hidden underneath the rose flower bed in the garden. With that, I also found the Cobra Diamond. My butler told me not to do anything, but I disposed of the Queen's body and took precautions so as to not expect any Visitors. But unfortunately, I didn't heed Queen Amberly's warning about the diamond and now I'm paying the price!" she finished with a sob, just as lightning struck outside the window.


**Author's Note**

Thank you @Fandomnessssss1 for reading this! I'm so glad you like it!

What do you think happened to Lisa? I'd love to hear what you think!

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