Chapter 13

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"He's right. I was thinking...if this ghost is the one that Kipps saw and the one that played the piano was a poltergeist, to whom did the ghost I saw belong to?" Holly wondered aloud. My last thought was 'three ghosts?' just as everything went black.

"Lucy! Lucy! Wake up!!" came the frantic voice of Holly Munro.
"Ugh," I groggily sat up and blinked my eyes a couple times to see clearly. "Kipps, why do you have two heads?" I asked making out a shock of red hair and two blurry faces.

"Luce...he doesn't have two faces. You fainted and it's... probably the after shock. Here, have a sandwich." Lockwood handed me a cheese sandwich wrapped in silver foil.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yea, thanks."

"So, Luce, how did you know it was a knife?" asked George.

"It was my Touch. When you bumped into me, I touched the attic wall and I saw..." I narrated everything I saw and told them about the horrifying scene I had witnessed. The whole time I was telling them, I felt a feeling of someone watching me. Not my friends, but something supernatural. It's probably just after shock, like Lockwood had suggested, I thought to myself. 

"That's terrible. How could a woman turn against her own sister?" Holly said, a hand over her mouth and eyes wide with shock, once I had finished. 

"I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm glad it was Guinevere who had died here and not Morgana. She is wicked." I shuddered from the thought.

"What I am curious about is the three ghosts you were talking about, Holly. How could one house have three powerful ghosts? It's not unheard of, but I can't believe this has come to our attention just now!" I wondered aloud.

"Hmm...I don't know. Ask the skull. It might have some insight." she replied.

"Of course! I'd forgotten about it." George gave me the skull and I shook it to get its attention.

"Hey! Don't be so brutal! It's your fault I'm mad at you anyway." came a voice as green mist formed in the jar.

"Ah, come on! You can't still be mad. Anyway, I have a question for you. How many spirits can you sense in this house?" I asked, trying my best to keep my annoyance under check. The skull took on a 'thinking' expression and stayed quiet for about a whole minute. 

"Ahem. Skull. I'm sure you have a lot of things to contemplate, being dead and all, but I'd really appreciate it if you could answer my question."

"Come on Lucy. I was just thinking about which order I wanted to kill each of you in. But anyway...oh, yes. Of course. I can sense hmm...let's see...two spirits," it finally replied. "But I also sense a soul with a revenge burning darker than coal." it added and on this happy note, it went back to...wherever it goes for dramatic endings.

"Very funny, Skull. What do you mean burning darker than coal?" I demanded, shaking the jar vigorously. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me with confusion. I put the jar down and explained everything that just happened with the stupid skull. I don't see why we put up with at all. It's like hearing a non-stop curse machine in your head.

"What the heck does it mean by 'a soul burning darker than coal'? Is that a ghost? Or a living person?" George wondered.

"Well, it said there were only two ghosts, so I think it must have been a person." Lockwood said, checking our equipment. "And I think I might have an idea of whom it might be." he added. Suddenly, the bookshelf started flinging books at us.      

**Author's Note**

Thx for reading! Plz vote and comment!

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm one day late but hey, still...

Anyway, this update is short and early but I just felt like I should post more updates, especially because of the cruel cliffhangers sorry (not rly :D) so yes, please bear with my horrible update schedule. I personally hate it when authors update their stories without a proper schedule but I understand now how hard it is to keep to schedule but since it's winter break and I'm bored out of my mind now, plz expect more frequent updates!


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