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The manor was darker than usual when they started the mission.
Richard lead his teammates throughout the house, clutching the clue Bruce had given him before he vanished, tightly in his hand. "Let me try!" Jason whined, failing to snatch the note from the older teen. "No, Jason! Quit it!"

To Olivia it was like old times. She stayed at the back of the group with Theo, but gazed at her friends with a content smile. They always used to argue like that. Jason would always try to lead, to which Richard would refuse to give up leadership. But still the boy persisted.

Lloyd and Destiny walked directly behind the power struggling Richard and Jason, their hands intertwined. Theo stared at them curiously, then looked down at Olivia's hand. Although hand holding was against her principles, she had never really done it before. And the girl wondered what it felt like.

Without saying a word to the unsuspecting girl, Theo grabbed Olivia's hand within her own gloved one. Olivia shrieked in surprise, startling the girl in blue. Theo jumped back, alarmed so much that the lights in the room suddenly turned on.

All eyes fell upon her instantly. Theo blushed and shrunk back, her face tomato red.

"What happened?" Richard asked, concerned as he looked back at the two girls. Olivia glanced toward the embarrassed Theo before shaking her head and coming to her defense. "There was a spider and I startled Theo. That's what happened."

To Olivia's surprise, Richard believed it and resumed leading the group. Olivia lingered back, stepping up to the other girl. "You could have just asked, you know." She smiled, holding her hand out. Still blushing, Theo took it.

Scarlet bounded up behind Richard and grabbed his arm. "Robby, I have an idea!" She exclaimed, beaming. Richard nodded, showing he was listening. Jason frowned, crossing his arms, jealous that Richard was giving Scarlet all his attention instead of giving it to him. Scarlet giggled before she continued.

"We can't tell what it says, right? Because it's backwards on the paper. So, if we hold it up to a mirror-"

"It'll flip the words around!" Richard finished, "Frosty, you're a genus!" he exclaimed, hugging the girl suddenly. Jason growled, kicking the floor, and turned to storm off, mumbling to himself.

He stubbornly ignored the giggled calls of his name from Scarlet and Richard. It wasn't until Richard grasped his hand that the jealous boy stopped.

"Hey, Jace. Just where do you think you're going? I can't lead by myself."

Jason stated incredulously for a moment at Richard before slowly smiling. He let out a small laugh of triumph and snatched the paper from the other teen. Jason then took off sprinting to the bathroom. Richard chuckled, watching the younger teen run off. His smile disappeared after a moment. He couldn't shake what Jason had said to him. Sure, Richard himself put some thought into it. But the way Jason told him made it more real. Made it definite. And he wasn't sure they were ready.

Scarlet approached the older teen from behind and wrapped her arms around his torso. Richard shut his eyes, allowing himself to feel her loving, warm embrace before speaking softly. "I'm sorry, Scarlet." The leader admitted, bowing his head in shame.
"I wish I could've done more."

"You did all you could, Dick. And we have accepted what'll happen."


Bruce sat on the balcony, gazing out toward the darkened city. Not a single light shone. Not a single sign of life from the city. The sky above—cloudy and grey—looked empty without the familiar beam of light reflecting the signal down at him. The signal that called him; letting him know he was needed.

He wasn't anymore.

Batman had failed Gotham City. He had failed to protect the ones he had sworn to look after. He couldn't save them. He couldn't save his family. He knew there were only two ways it would end; they would all eventually fall sick and slowly die a painful death only to come back and walk around as empty shells. Or they could.... The man sighed, tightening his hold around a small, black pistol in his hands.


Bruce turned at his name, finding all the kids standing there, startled. He quickly hid the pistol behind his back. "Yes?"

"We found you." Richard announced with a gentle smile. Bruce couldn't help the pang in his chest. That smile—those sweet, loving smiles—he'd miss more than anything. Those smiles, bright eyes, and beautiful personalities. He hated that they had to suffer. He hated that his kids were hurting. Dying. And there wasn't a damn thing in the world he could do about it. He'd give up anything, everything, just so they could live long, happy lives. But that wasn't to be.

  Bruce's throat closed up. His eyes stung. His chest tightened. He tried to swallow the lump, but it didn't want to go. He blinked a few times and drew in a shuddering breath.

"You did it." The man smiled weakly, "great job. Why don't you kids head down and finish making dinner. I'll be a moment."

   Reluctantly, the kids one by one left Bruce on the roof. Thinking everyone gone, Bruce dropped his hands at his sides, allowing the gun to be shown once more. What he didn't know was that a pair of dark chocolate brown eyes widened as the girl caught a glimpse of the pistol in his hand. Theo covered her mouth to silence her shocked gasp. She turned away quickly and flattened herself against the wall. Maybe she imagined it. She tried to convince herself it wasn't real. She knew Bruce wouldn't do anything stupid. She knew he wouldn't hurt his kids.

"Theo, come on!"

Olivia's call pulled the girl from her thoughts. And she hurried quickly away.

Teen Titans: ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now