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        Richard tossed Jason a plastic bowl, smirking as the younger teen scrambled to catch it. Jason dove for it, just getting his grasp around it before he landed roughly on his front with a grunt. The boy laughed triumphantly and held it up like he had just made the winning touchdown.

"Nice catch, Jace." Richard complimented, hands on his hips and over the pink apron he had borrowed from Bruce.

    Scarlet watched the two boys from her place, floating mere inches off the floor by the counter. She smiled as they joked and played around with each other like young children. The smile was able to mask her discomfort from the two boys; who hadn't even noticed her grimacing just moments ago.

"I did learn from the best." Laughed Jason, getting up and handing the bowl to the older teen. Richard paused in taking it, his hands falling over Jason's. "Yeah. Bruce is a great teach-"
"No, Dick, not Bruce. I was talking about you."

    Richard gazed silently back at Jason, has hands still over the other boy's. He was surprised to hear the compliment. It wasn't often people complimented him for things like that. Therefore, it was definitely shocking. "Uh, Dick?" Jason's voice snapped Richard back to reality, and he watched as the older boy took both the bowl and his hands away. "Sorry." he mumbled.

    Turning away from Jason, Richard made his way to the counter Scarlet hovered in front of. His cheeks were bright pink from embarrassment. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead. Suddenly, a surge of pain shot through his midsection. With a yelp, Richard tumbled forward, the bowl flying from his grasp.

"Dick!" Jason cried, dashing to the side of the fallen teen. "Are you alright?!"

    A sudden scream from the dinning room interrupted Richard's grunt. "D-Destiny..." He gasped out, curling up on his side. Jason glanced from Richard to the doorway. "Scarlet," he shook, "go check on- Scarlet?"

    To Jason's horror Scarlet, too, was lying in pain on the floor. Another scream from the dinning room cut in, sending Jason into even more of a panic. The next second a bloodied Destiny stumbled in and slammed the door shut.

"Destiny!" Jason cried, scrambling up and to the side of the panting girl. Blood oozed down her arm from several large gashes that looked like teeth marks in her flesh. The girl gripped her arm, wincing in pain. "W-what happened?" Gasped the freaked out Jason, staring with wide eyes at her arm. Destiny shook her head and slid to the ground, leaning against the door.

    The winded girl's gaze suddenly landed upon the two teens on the floor. Her eyes widened as she saw them groaning in pain. "Jason," she panted, crawling to Scarlet's side, "call the hospital!"

    Scarlet screamed, flames shooting off her body, singeing her clothes. The room instantly became a furnace. Jason gasped and pulled Destiny away from the girl as scorching flames shoot like bullets from her body. The fire and ice girl coughed blood onto the floor before going still. The flames vanished to then be replaced by a sheet of ice.

    Richard meanwhile was hacking and coughing loudly, blood dribbling out of his mouth. Choking sounds reached Jason's ears and the boy was soon at his side.

"Destiny," the frightened Jason whimpered, snatching up Richard's hand. "What do we do?!" Destiny stood, her eyes darting around wildly, still clutching her injured arm. "I don't know, Jason!" The girl snapped, equally terrified.

    Shadows began to slither across the floor like snakes. They slithered up the walls and ceiling. Destiny covered her ears, cowering on the floor like a child.

"J-Jason..." Richard's voice; barely above a whisper, reached the ears of the scared boy. Jason turned his attention to him. "D-do it... l-like we planned..."
Jason's eyes widened. "I... I can't..." The boy shook his head, his brown eyes watering. "No..."

      The lights in the room flashed like strobe lights. Destiny uncovered her ears and bolted to her feet suddenly, her green eyes huge. "I locked Olivia and Theo out there with Lloyd!" She screamed, dashing to the door. Jason's jaw went slack. "What h-happened to Lloyd?"
"He attacked me!" Destiny held her bleeding arm up. Jason turned as white as a sheet. "Theo! Olivia!"


    Olivia raced down the hall, Theo pulling her as they went. Objects flew off the walls as Theo imagined them doing so, to block the growling, hissing Lloyd chasing behind. A bright blue light soaked the walls, ceiling and floor from the younger girl's glowing hair. The lights flashed rapidly until they exploded into a million pieces and rained down on their heads.

    The two girls raced up the stairs, stumbling and tripping over the steps in their rush to get away. Suddenly, Olivia's foot caught on a step and she fell, slipping from Theo's grasp. "Livie!" Theo gasped, stopping. Lloyd was directly behind them and closing in fast. "Go!" Olivia shrieked, waving the other girl on. Theo shook her head. "I am not leaving you!"

    Lloyd's inhuman snarling and hissing echoed up the stairwell. He drew closer to the two girls, his lips pulled up in a hungry smile. Their sweaty flesh smelled sweet to the dazed boy. And he craved a taste. Olivia screamed as he reached for her, but Theo, acting quickly, threw herself at him and the two teens tumbled backwards down the stairs.

"No!" Olivia cried, scrambling up to stare in horror at the two bodies lying entangled at the bottom of the stairs. Lloyd groaned, sitting up. His vision was blurry. The colors and sounds of his surroundings mixed together, confusing him further. His green eyes eventually focused on the running Olivia, and the girl lying beside him. He barely had time to register who it was before Olivia was shoving him away.

     Breathing heavily, her heart pounding against her ribs, Olivia knelt beside the almost still body of her friend. "Theo? Theo?!" Shouted the frightened girl, shaking her shoulder. Lloyd opened his mouth, but instantly shut it and jumped back as Olivia hissed like an angry cat at him. "This is all your fault!" She snapped, tears of frustration, pain and everything else she had experienced since the sickness had begun, hit her.

   Theo's trembling hand closed around Olivia's suddenly, surprising the girl. Hurt at the comment, Lloyd shrunk back. Olivia pulled Theo gently into her lap to cling like a child to the dazed girl in blue. She hung on tightly, placing a tentative hand upon her cheek. Theo smiled weakly at her.

"Are you guys okay?" Destiny's voice cut in suddenly. "I'm so sorry- oh my god." Destiny's hands flew over her mouth as her eyes landed upon her three friends. Jason, Scarlet, and Richard followed behind; Jason supporting Richard as they approached. Lloyd stood and backed to a corner. "All of you stay back. I don't want to... N-not again..."

    Suddenly the sound of a gunshot followed by a loud thud cut into the night, startling the teens. Then silence. Everyone exchanged puzzled glances, until Richard broke away from Jason and was charging up the stairs, screaming hysterically.


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