Chapter One

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Kevin kept his head low as he walked through the halls of Peach Creek high. As he forced his way through the swarm of people he mumbled 'excuse me' or 'apologies' to those that didn't pay him any attention.
Kevin found that being invisible at this school would make the years there much more bearable. His first year was full of bullying by the baseball team, all because he tried out and made the cut. He quit, however, because things got too bad to handle.
When Kevin made it to his locker, he noticed someone staring at him.
The culprit being Eddward Vincent, a guy that started school the previous year and reeked of bad news. Kevin managed to avoid him throughout the year but he lived across the street from the guy.
Eddward hangs out with Ed and Eddy, two troublemakers here in Peach Creek, well Eddy at least. Ed just follows his lead and do as he's told.
When Eddward smirked at him, Kevin felt his body heat up and he turned to grab his books.
When he closed his locker, Eddward was right there, so close that Kevin jumped.
"Its Kevin, is it not?" Kevin was visibly shaking now. He'd managed to remain unknown for two years and now someone is talking to him. Eddward chuckled and placed a hand beside his head.
"Judging by your expression and body language, you already know who I am so I'll just cut to the chase."
Eddward placed his face closer to Kevin's and Kevin felt his body become more excited than ever.
"Oi, Edd, why are you screwing around with the nerd," a random jock asked from down the hall, "are you flirting with him?" Eddward turned and gave the boy the most horrific glare, Kevin could have sworn he saw two different people.
"And if I am, what's it to you?" The boy didn't reply. Instead, he took a slight step back. In a blink, Eddward turned back towards Kevin and once again the mood lightened as if nothing happened.
"As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted, we are walking home together from this day forward."
"W-What? B-But aren't you on the swim team?"
"You are correct."
"S-So I'll have to stay at your practices?"
"Once again, you are correct."
"I've made myself clear. I'll meet you at your locker at the end of the day." And with that, Eddward left and returned to his friends.

In class, Kevin was telling his friends Nazz and Nat about what happened in the halls.
"Wait, the Eddward Vincent? Every girl's dream bad boy," Nazz asked. Kevin nodded and Nat screamed.
"Oh, my fuck, dude! I've been waiting for this for forever ago."
"Wait, what," both Kevin and Nazz said together.
"It was so obvious he liked you but you are too much of a pussy to pick your head up."
"Nazz, are we seriously gonna deny that?" He looked to Kevin and spoke again.
"Think about it, Kevin. When he came to Peach Creek, did the bullying not stop? Did he not defend you in the halls against Grant Cleaves, the most hateable guy at this shit hole?"
"Hateable isn't a word," Kevin stated.
"Not the point. Oh, you poor soul."
"Come on Nat. Kevin has been through hell since middle school. It's normal to think that no one likes him."
Nazz's words were true, he didn't think no one except those of them in the cul-de-sac and Nat liked him or at least treated him respectfully.
"Even so, you have a totally kick ass hunk in your corner now. And I think he likes you."

At lunch, Kevin sat at his usual seat in the corner as he waited for Nazz and Nat. He was about to take a bit out of his pear when something cold, wet, and smelly was poured onto him.
"Sorry, the milk had spoiled and I thought this was a trash can," Grant said. Kevin didn't dare turn around. Instead, he let them laugh and pour more spoiled milk onto him. Grant sat next to him facing everyone else.
"Listen, prick, just because your fucking around with the star swimmer doesn't make you hot shit. Your still a worthless, pathetic excuse of skin; got it?" Kevin nodded timidly and toyed with his hands. Grant grinned and was about to stand up but leaned back once again.
"Oh, and Nazz is off limits. Let that dick of a friend of yours, Nat, know that, okay?"
Grant removed himself from the table and walked away with his friends. Kevin knew that if he tried to leave the cafeteria to clean himself, it would only get worst. There was always worst.
"Why does it smell so bad over here." Kevin blushed and felt his heart sink all at once. He didn't have to turn to look up to know that Eddward was across from him.
"Maybe because we're not at our table," Eddy stated. Eddward narrowed his eyes at Kevin and noticed he was soaking wet with white chunks on him.
"Kevin, why are you soaking in spoiled milk?"
The embarrassment was eating him alive but one look at Grant and the glare on his face made Kevin remain silent. Eddward knew who was responsible, he just wanted to see how much trust he had to build with the orange headed boy.
He sighed and grabbed Kevin's hand before yanking him from his seat and all but dragging him from the lunch room. Kevin saw the look on Grant's face and felt fear begin to devour him.
"W-wait a second, Eddward!"
"You reek of spoiled milk, Kevin. That needs to be cleaned off or the smell will set in your clothes."
"Zip it, Pumpkin. Your getting cleaned right now."
Kevin blushed at the name pumpkin and said nothing more. He stopped pulling away from Eddward and let him take him to the showers.

"I'll be back with fresh clothes from you, stay here until I get back."
"W-wait! I-I umm..."
"Use complete sentences please," Eddward stated with slight annoyance.
"M-My locker is closer."
"I don't have your combin-"
Kevin took Eddward's arm and wrote his combination on it with a pen he produced from his jacket pocket.
When he finished, Kevin looked up nervously at Eddward and saw the smirk painted on his face.
"My lock acts funny sometimes s-so just hit it with a book or something when it gets stuck."
"Alright. Make sure you put your clothes in cold water and wash your hair."
Kevin nodded and Eddward chuckled before leaving the locker room.

After showering, Kevin put on his spare clothes and dried his other clothes as much as possible before folding them. He missed his last class of that day and decided to go to the courtyard. No one ever went to the courtyard because of all the butterflies that cultivate there. Kevin didn't mind, he just made sure he was careful whenever he went.
Once there, he sat under his favorite tree in the center of the courtyard and did his homework waiting for the final bell to ring. As he did so, he contemplated on whether or not he would go to Eddward's swimming practice like he was asked, or rather told. He didn't want to upset Eddward but he also wanted to get home before six. As he weighed his options, Kevin slowly and unknowingly went to sleep, his thoughts were on the tall, dark, and sexy Vincent boy.

Eddward had waited at Kevin's locker for him but grew slightly concerned when he didn't even show up. He decided to go to practice in case Kevin went there without him but he wasn't there. After practice was finished, Edd walked around the school looking for the red-haired boy. He checked the classrooms, nurses office, the gym, and everywhere else but found nothing. Eddward finally made it to the courtyard and couldn't breath when he saw Kevin sleeping under the tree in the center. The sunset had perfectly lit up his sleeping frame. The butterflies flying around, and on, him as he slept soundly without care.
After composing himself, Edd walked over to wake Kevin when he noticed the boy's homework. From what he gathered, Kevin's English grade was lagging because of the grammar portion of the subject.
"Oi, Pumpkin. Rise and shine," Eddward said nudging Kevin.
The tiny boy stirred before opening his eyes slightly. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before his focus fell on Eddward who was scrutinizing a paper.
"Your grammar is horrible," he said.
"W-what?" Kevin looked down and realized he fell asleep and Eddward was reading his homework.
"Honestly, Kevin; these mistakes are careless. You get your 'its' and 'it's' mixed up frequently and your punctuations are remarkably wrong. I'm surprised that you're passing with a high C."
"Give that back," Kevin whined. Eddward just ignored him and raised the paper when he tried to jump and take the paper from him. He carefully looked over each sentence and couldn't take anymore.
"Good Lord, Kevin! This is sad to read."
"You don't have to read it, you just have to give it back!" Edd looked down at Kevin and blushed when he saw the frustration on the orange haired boy's face. He recovered quickly with a smirk before trapping Kevin between him and the giant tree.
"I like this feisty attitude of yours. It's pretty cute." Kevin felt his face turn red as a candy apple and looked down from the boy's eyes. Eddward chuckled before gathering Kevin's books in one hand.
"Come on, Pumpkin. Were going to your place so I can help you with your homework." Kevin blinked multiple times, not believing whats happening.
In one day, Eddward, one of the hottest and most popular bad boys at his school, spoke to him. After he defended him from Grant, the worst bully ever to exist. Then helped him when he had been humiliated in from of the entire lunchroom. Now he was walking next to him as he held his hand and they walked home to his house together.

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