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There was a chill in the air as Normani and Camila stepped onto the front porch. They were surrounded by silence in the non-conventional sense. For Normani cars and music were the normal background noises and Camila had long since learned to ignore crickets and cows. All was peaceful at Cabello Farm.

"Wait here." Camila commanded as she stepped back into the house, not giving Normani a chance to reply. Normani could hear Camila rummaging in the hall but she was unable to locate the brunette.

A minute later, just as Normani began to shiver, Camila reappeared carrying a blanket, cushions and a sweatshirt.

Dropping them all on the swinging chair Camila yanked a maroon sweatshirt from the pile and offered it to Normani. "It's clean I swear. I only wore it to let chickens out this morning. It was on me for less than five minutes. Scouts honour!" Camila promised placing a hand on her chest.

"Thanks." Normani mumbled, smiling weakly and gladly accepting the top. Pulling it over her head she was grateful that it smelt like Camila. It was comforting after her nightmare. It was also strange. No one had ever made her feel safe before.

"Take a seat, I'll be right back out." Camila said casually stroking Normani's upper arm as she signalled to the chair. She had placed the cushions along the back and the blanket lay on the arm waiting to be used.

Normani sat down and tucked her legs under her while watching Camila re-enter the house.

What was actually happening? Not five hours ago this girl was yelling at her and now she was... helping her? Why? What did she want?

Camila sat down beside Normani and handed her a mug. "It's just cocoa with cinnamon, nothing fancy. My Grandma used to make it whenever I had a nightmare. If you hate it I won't feel offended. Grandma Rosita might be but I won't!" Camila assured taking a sip from her own mug.

Normani cautiously took a sip and was pleasantly surprise by the taste. The cinnamon wasn't over powering and the chocolate immediately made her feel more awake. The cup also supplied her something to do with her hands, its warmth relieving the tension in her previously clenched knuckles.

"It's really good." She smiled at Camila who was unfolding the blanket and placing it over both of their legs. "Well I obviously got my smarts from Grandma." she grinned finally satisfied with the blanket. Her body was twisted toward Normani and her arm lay on the back of the seat, close enough to touch Normani by not making contact just yet, content with tracing the grooves in the wood.

"So you wanna tell me what the hell that was?" Camila asked her tone soft despite her aggressive choice of words. Normani shifted awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Camila.

"Okay how about I talk for a while and you jump in whenever you want." Camila suggested lifting her legs onto the chair and crossing them. The chair rocked a little in the process but neither girl was fazed. Normani nodded lost for words. Seriously this girl had to be either an angel or a really convincing actress.

"Alright we've had not the best first day together. That is evident. But we can change that. We do this is by eliminating the barriers and prejudices we both have. I, for example, will ignore the fact you're a homophobic, narcissistic city kid and you will ignore the fact I'm a homosexual, unfashionable, redneck. Oh and note that I use the word redneck for the purpose of a hyperbole. I am in no way a redneck. Got it?" she asked accepting Normani's nod as confirmation to continue.

"Good. Now we're going to start over. Again. I'm Karla Camila Cabello. I'm seventeen. I have one older sister named Lauren, she's nineteen. She just graduated High School and is leaving for college in September. She's planning to major in animal science and then take over our family farm one day. I also have a younger sister Sofia. Sofi is twelve. She's a little actress and loves the theatre. One day she'll get Oscars. I guarantee it. My best friend is this boy called Zayn Malik, and nobody calls him daddy. We've been best friends since we were babies because our Moms were best friends. His younger brother Chris is Sofi's B.F.F. I was born and raised here in Alabama. I live with my Dad, siblings and my Grandpa. My Grandma dies three years ago. My Mom left when I was seven. She had an affair with my Uncle Gerard and they ran away to live in the city. Now they have a happy little family there. The last time we talked I was twelve. She'd forgotten my birthday again and cried down the phone a month later about how she was sorry. After that I didn't really bother with her and she gave up on me too. It's okay though." Camila said glancing at Normani who stared at her with sadness and pity. Camila pulled her legs up and rested her knees under her chin.

Counting Stars // Normila Where stories live. Discover now