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I opened my eyes to see a familiar face in front of me. "Bella you okay?" she asked; Is this real or am I dreaming Violet Harmon is looking at me asking me if I'm okay, it has to be right, "Sis are you okay?" she asked.

Sis.. wait she called me Sis as in she's my sister okay I have to answer her. "Um yeah sorry spaced out I guess" I answered shaking my head she smiled.

"Typical Bellarose you tend to do that a lot. So Mom hasn't showed up you wanna walk home?" she asked I nodded; this is really weird, "Are you coming?" she asked she turned looking at me I nodded speeding up to follow her.


I looked at the house. This is not the Murder House this must be before moving into it I looked around noticing the cops; that means that Vivian or Mom just found out Ben or Dad as I should say was cheating on her. Cops are here because well she thought it was an intruder but it turned out that Ben was banging that colossal bitch Hayden.

"Mom what's going on?" Violet asked as we walked through the doors they we're patching Ben's arm up. "It's nothing girls why don't you guys go to your room" Mom replied okay so weird that I am thinking of her as mom right now.

Violet was about to protest but I went up the stairs as we passed Hayden who smiled maliciously at us I glared at her as I walked by going into the room after my sister. "Why won't they tell us what's going on?" Violet asked she looked upset.

*One Year*

I looked out the window I've been here a whole year and still am not used to this family; I am so used to cleaning it kind of upsets my Mom she doesn't think I should worry about it but I do she seems more stressed than us. "The light is different out here. It's softer" Mom spoke I looked up.

"It's called smog" Vi said I smirked holding back a laugh.

"You should be excited, Vi. You can stop sneaking cigarettes and just start taking deep breaths" Dad spoke up as he drove.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Vi said. "We're almost there" Dad said I continued to look out the window.

"I need to go" Vi spoke irritably. "Vi, it's a freeway. Really, where do you want me to pull over? Maybe the Honda next to us has a bathroom or something" Dad asked her; still really weird calling them mom and dad but I have to make it a habit cause here they are my parents.

"Bet if the baby had to shit, you'd find somewhere" Violet grumbled I turned looking at her shocked.

"Really? Violet, I hate that word, unless I'm saying it" Mom finally said something. "I'm really glad we named you Violet, instead of our second choice" Dad said I can't really remember this part so I was curious myself.

"Which was?" me and her asked at the same time. "Sunshine" Mom replied we all started to bust out laughing; Dad tried to hold Moms hand but she pulled away. I knew exactly why she was acting this way.


I looked at the house in front of me. This defiantly is the Murder House I'm not sure if I even want to walk in there but at the same time I'm a little excited. "Bellarose Harmon, Come on" Mom shouted I jumped slightly but remember she wasn't yelling to scare me, "sorry sweetie I know how you are about yelling" she walked over rubbing my back before we walked in.

"Welcome. It's a classic L.A. Victorian. Built around 1920 by the doctor to the stars at the time. It's just fabulous. These are real Tiffany fixtures. As you can see, the previous owners really loved this place like a child. They restored everything" the Realtor Marcy said as she showed us around.

"Gay?" Mom asked I looked at the place; it's even more beautiful than through a television screen. "What do you think?" Marcy asked as we entered the kitchen dad pointed something out saying it was Tiffany.

"Do you cook?" Marcy asked. "Yes" I answered she looked at me so did my parents.

"We told you Bellarose you don't have to cook okay" Mom came up to me I nodded. "Sorry it's a habit" I looked at Marcy who looked saddened by my words, "can I go look around?" I asked this was me telling them in my own way I need a moment to myself she nodded.

I walked up into the other room and up the stairs into the bathroom I closed the door locking it. "Okay Bellarose your not there your here not there your here" I started to cry really hard I thought about Mr. Hersy hitting me.

"B you okay?" Vi's voice came through the door I wiped the tears away. "Yeah, Vi I'm fine" I replied I looked at myself once more before turning and opening the door I smiled at her as she returned it.

"We're going to live here" she spoke smiling slightly.

"That's great!" I exclaimed; she turned and walked into another room while I wondered to the rooms looking for a room finding the one I wanted it had a view of the garden.


As I began to unpack I started to sing a song to myself. "Little girl terrified, she'd leave her room if only bruises would heal" I sang softly as I put clothes away, "A home is no place to hide, her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels" I whispered that part as I heard movement from the attack.

"Hey Bella sweetie could you go and see if the neighbors have any sugar" Mom popped her head in I nodded. 

I walked toured the house I knew this place like the back of my hand; I walked up too the door knocking on it I listened to the foot steps flinching at the noise as she door opened I smiled gently. "Hi, I'm moving in over there. My Mom sent me over to ask for some sugar" I spoke feeling a bit nervous she nodded.

"Oh, come in. I'll get that sugar for you" she said I followed her in going into her kitchen seeing Adelaide sitting at the table I gave her a smile which she returned, "this is my daughter Adelaide" Constance said I nodded.

"Oh, Bellarose" I spoke she looked at me.

"That is a very unique name" Constance smiled at me I nodded looking at her daughter. "So is Adelaide" I smiled she smiled so did her Mother.

"Oh yes I am Constance" she now told me her name but I already knew that she handed me the sugar, "and welcome to the neighborhood" she spoke.

Murder House (Book One: Bellarose's Story)Where stories live. Discover now