Chapter 13

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Falling For My Brother's Bestfriend

2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 13

got my yearbook today.!

guess who won Best Dressed 2012 for John Glenn Highschool.?!?! THIS GIRLLLL , (;

& picture of Aiden's mother ----------> Jessica Biel


Aiden's POV

I haven't stopped pacing the living room since Blair left for her date with Chase. I was literally going out of my mind, I was so worried.

I began to think that I'm not as scared about Chase trying anything with Blair cause I knew she could take care of herself. I was more scared about her actually catching feelings for the guy and forgetting about me.

"Stupid of Carly to agree to this shit." I muttered to myself. "Great, now I'm talking to myself. This is awesome."

But what do you have against Chase? A voice said inside my head.

"He was all over Blair!"

So? You're not together, she can do whatever she wants.

"But I want to be together."

Then you should make that happen.

"You know I can't do that right now."

Sounds like a personal problem.

"God dammit!"

I stomped into the kitchen and grabbed a cold can of bud light from the fridge. Taking it to the living room, I turned on the TV and watched a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother.

I don't know where the time went but next thing I knew, I was at my 5th beer and it was already a little past 10.

Ready to go to bed, I turned of the tv and cleaned up my mess. Throwing all the cans in the recycling bin, I tipsily started walking towards my room when I heard voices.

You really are going crazy, Aiden. Now you're hearing shit. You'll be seeing dead people next.

"Goodnight." I heard Blair's voice say.

Suddenly, the front door opened and she walked inside. She obviously hasn't seen me because she started looking through her purse. When she found her phone, she smiled as she looked at it. It wasn't one of those fake smiles that I see her do all the time. It irritated me how Chase made that happen instead of me.

"Guess you had a good time, huh." the words just came out of my mouth.

She looked up at me, surprised but that turned into a scowl. "Yeah, I did." she replied angrily.

I don't want to be mean to her, she didn't do anything but I couldn't help but feel angry and jealous. That's why I said what I did next: "Well, good for you then. I have a date tomorrow."

I mentally kicked myself in the ass as I walked away. I saw her face fall and the hurt that appeared squeezed my heart.

You dumbass, Aiden, why'd you say that? You don't have a date tomorrow!

But it was already too late to take it back. I had walked away and made damage.

Now I have to find a date.


Blair's POV

It hurt. A lot.

I'm sure everyone knows the feeling when your chest tightens and it's really hard to breath. If you don't, then that's how it feels when you hear something that involves the love of your life with someone else.

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