Chapter 14

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Falling For My Brother's Bestfriend

2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 14

sorry I haven't uploaded in a couple of days , I usually upload everyday.!

but I had the last day of Senior year then Prom.

there's me & my bestfriend at my Prom after party ---------------->

anyways , your comments make me smile. thank you all for supporting me , <3



Blair's POV

I woke up the next to day to a continuous knock on my door.

"What is it?" I groaned out. My eyes automatically squinted at the bright lights that passed through my blinds.

"It's Mom, I'm coming in!" Without waiting for a response, my mother walks in the door and closes it behind her.

I didn't bother sitting up and just closed my eyes again. I felt the bed sink as she sat down next to my hip.

"Good morning, B." she greeted cheerfully.

"Mornin', Momma."

I felt her brush the wavy hairs out of my face. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

The seriousness in her voice made me open my eyes. Her eyes were watery but her face was calm.

"Is there something wrong?" I said nervously.

"No, no. Nothing's wrong." She said. I was confused. Tears started to fall from her eyes but she looked completely happy.

"Then what is it? You're freaking me out." I sat up then and wiped my mother's cheeks, making the tears disappear. "Momma?"

Marisa Bradley took in a deep breath. "Have you talked to Aiden?"

I looked at her questionly. "Aiden? What? What about him?"

What does he have to do with my mom happily crying? Something sketchy is going on around here and it's starting to get on my nerves. I don't like secretive people, why can't everyone just be straight up?

"I don't really know how to say it, B..." my mother nervously played with the bed covers.

"Out with it, Mom!"

She eyed me, her face going from smiling to a blank expression. She opened her mouth to speak but then quickly closed it. When she opened it again, my bedroom door flew open and my brother walks in.

"Can someone tell me what in the hell Carly is doing here?!?!" he yelled.

As if on cue, Carly West runs in my room from behind Blake and hugs me. Thanksgiving was tomorrow and she wasn't suppose to arrive until after the holiday.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

Carly sat down next to my mom and shrugged. "I came home to a note from my parents saying that they've used their retirement money to travel the country."

"They just left you?"

"I called them and they apologized but they said I can come spend the holiday with you all." Carly looked at my Mother. "I mean, if that's okay, Mrs. Bradley." she said shyly.

A grin appeared on her face. "I told you it's Marisa, darling. But of course, you're always welcome here!"

"Agh, damnation in hell!" Blake yelled again and stomped away.

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