Chapter 10

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Sabrina strolled down the dirt road toward her mansion, lost in thought. So much so, in fact, that she never even heard or felt the thunder of hooves heading her way. That is, not until someone shouted "Look out!", grabbed her arm, and yanked her off the road.

She found herself wrapped in Vaughn's arms, staring up at him, flustered and bewildered. He was staring angrily toward the beach, and following his eyes, she spotted the hindquarters of a white horse vanishing around a corner up ahead. She paled slightly as she recognized the rider as her cousin.

"Dumbass!" Vaughn growled as he scowled at the retreating horseman, then he looked down at her, his violet eyes softening. "You okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"N-no, thank you," she gasped. "I'm okay. Th-thank you for saving me—I didn't even hear him!"

"I haven't seen that jerk around here before. Have you?" Vaughn muttered as he released her.

"I-I... yes," she stammered, feeling her cheeks grow hot. "I saw him the other morning, I think."

"Hmmph. Must be that new rich boy with the fancy skiff. Well, you sure you're okay? Want me to walk you home?" Vaughn asked.

"N-no, I'm okay. Thank you," she whispered, then instantly regretted it as Vaughn tipped his hat to her and sauntered away. She watched him go, her heart still pounding, and wished she'd had the presence of mind to say yes to his offer, maybe invite him in.... She spent the remainder of the afternoon lost in daydreams of what she might have said and done, imagining herself as bolder, wittier, more entrancing than she had ever felt herself to be.


"Any idea whose boat that is?" Colette asked as she cast her line.

"Nuh-uh," Denny mumbled, focused on his own line. They stood back to back on the ferry dock, fishing more for enjoyment at that hour than with the hopes of a great catch. Suddenly his line dipped and his float bobbed, and with a delighted grin, he pulled back, slowly reeling in his line, then relaxing it, then pulling it in more. "Got a big one!" he shouted, and Colette turned to look just as the tip of the rod dove toward the water, then sprang back up again.

"Damn line broke!" he groaned. He shook his head in dismay, then sighed. Turning to Colette, he said, "Anyway, no idea who owns that thing. It showed up sometime during the night a couple nights ago. First I knew of it was when I got up to fish before sunup the next morning." He picked up his gear. "Welp, guess I'm done for the day. How about you?"

Colette reeled her line in. "Yeah, I'm not really having much luck anyway. Too bad yours got away, though. Better luck next time!"

He chuckled as they started to walk back to the shore. "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Not sure. I might try my luck with the mines, or maybe I'll go for a swim."

"Sounds great," Denny replied with a slightly nervous grin. He stopped and cleared his throat, then speaking rather quickly, he asked, "Hey, wanna join me for dinner tonight? My treat!"

Colette chewed her lip as she looked at him watching her with hopeful eyes. She liked Denny, he was a lot of fun to hang out with. But nice as he was, he wasn't exactly a Prince Charming on a snow-white steed—though she wasn't sure she believed in princes anymore anyway. Besides, she didn't want to hurt Lanna.

"Thanks, Denny, but I think I'll pass. I promised Belle and Julia I'd come over this evening. But I do know someone who'd love to join you," she added as his face fell, glancing toward the nearby houses.

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