Chapter 19

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When Colette and Will arrived at the dock on Verdure Island, there was a rope stretched across the dock, with a sign saying "Back in ten minutes" hanging from it. Two strangers were already waiting for the boat, despite the early hour. The pair of newcomers beamed happily at them as they walked down the dock.

"Good day!" the man cried as soon as they were within earshot. "And what a beautiful day it is!"

"Yes, so it is," Colette agreed. "Are you two guests at the inn?"

"Oh, no-no indeed. We're here to investigate one of your new islands."


"Yes," the young woman replied in a soft voice. She was very pretty, with strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a sweet expression. "Nathan is a missionary. He travels from one place to another, teaching others about the Harvest Goddess and building new churches to honor her."

"I... I see. Then why here particularly?" Colette asked, glancing over at Will, who just shrugged.

"Well, my dear child," Nathan responded, "Word reached me that there is a cenote, a very deep natural pool, on one of these islands. And not just any cenote, but one of absolute, perfect symmetry."

"Oh yes? And...?" Colette looked between the pair, confused.

"Why, these are the Goddess' own springs, child! She has been known to appear to the worthiest of her followers at bodies of water such as this."

"Really? Has she appeared to you, then?" Will asked, amused.

"Well... no," Nathan admitted reluctantly. "Not as such. But I am patient! Someday, I am sure she will reveal herself to me, her faithful and tireless disciple. Until that glorious day, I will naturally continue to perform good works in her name. Alisa and I shall explore this island thoroughly, and if the this pool is indeed as perfect as rumor has it, we will scout out a place close by to construct a church for her faithful adherents."

Colette looked at Will in dismay. "Oh... really? Today?"

Will interrupted, leaning forward toward Nathan. In a low tone, he said, "Perhaps you weren't aware of this, but...." He straightened up and looked around, then leaned forward again. "Well, on Meadow Island there is a shrine."

"A shrine?" Nathan asked, likewise in a low voice, his eyes lighting up with interest.

"Yes. A very old shrine. In marvelous condition. Rumor has it that it's an ancient shrine to the Harvest Goddess herself."

"Oh, Nathan!" the girl gasped, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes, this is wonderful news!" Nathan exclaimed. "Alisa, my dear, we cannot pass up an opportunity such as this. We must investigate!" Turning back to Will, he grasped his hand and shook it vigorously. "Thank you, sir. Thank you very much indeed! I am Nathan, and this is my foster daughter, Alisa. May we know your names?"

"I'm Will, and this is Colette," he replied.

Kirk returned just then, surprised to see four customers queued up and waiting for his return. He removed the rope, and they all stepped into his boat. "Where to?" he asked as he collected their fees.

"Meadow Island, my good man!" Nathan exclaimed enthusiastically as Alisa nodded her head happily.

"We're going to the two new islands in the southeast. I don't believe Taro's named them yet, has he?" Colette replied.

"Not yet," Kirk said. "Well, that dock is a smidgen closer than the dock at Meadow Island, so we'll go there first."

Kirk dropped them off on the new dock, and they arranged for a pickup in four hours before he sped away toward Meadow Island. Looking at Colette, Will grinned. "Come on, let's explore this island first, before those two get tired of staring at that rock and return!"

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