Chapter 21

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"Let's take my boat instead of Kirk's, if you don't mind? My dock is closer to the new islands, plus this way we won't have to try to arrange pickup times with him." Colette said as she tied her hiking boots.

"Sure. I grabbed boxed lunches on the way over, too. And I found this in one of my boxes from my boat-I thought it might be useful." He held up a picnic pack, an insulated backpack with a beverage cooler for a bottle of wine or juice.

"Oh, perfect!" she exclaimed. "I wish I knew what these islands are like," she added as she stood up. "It's so hot, but I don't know if it's safe to wear shorts. I don't want to end up with my legs all scratched up from climbing through sticker bushes."

Will nodded. "Yes, long pants are better protection. But we can go for a nice, cool swim after we get back, if you like."

"Almost certainly," she laughed as she grabbed two full water bottles from the fridge. They headed over to the dock on the east side of her island, where she kept a small rowboat. It was weathered and a little worse for wear, but still seaworthy.

Will reached for the oars, but Colette stopped him. "I'm used to rowing," she assured him. "Besides, I enjoy it. If I get too tired, though, you can take over," she added with a grin.

They went first to the new island in the northeast of the archipelago, just a short distance from the little island where the lighthouse once stood. There was a large stretch of sandy beach leading up to a meadow surrounded by natural walls of rock, a little like a partial crater. A good deal of debris, mostly storm-tossed tree limbs, littered the beach and even up onto the grassy meadow beyond.

As Colette rowed up to the island, they spotted several animals out in the field, most of them on alert, watching their approach. When they stepped out of the rowboat, however, and pulled the boat up onto the beach, the animals scattered and fled toward the rocks.

"I wonder where all these animals came from? I saw a couple of monkeys, and I could have sworn I saw a badger!"

"Yes, and several kinds of birds, too," Will added, looking thoughtfully toward the rocks. "Perhaps they take refuge in some of those holes within the rocks?"

"Could be. I don't recall anyone mentioning the animals, though, so either they hid, or they arrived after Gannon built this little dock. I think I see a little pool of water over there. I wonder if it's fresh water?"

Although the meadow had appeared level from the shore, there was a small, deep, bowl-shaped depression just east of the center. Within that depression was a small pool of water-not exactly clear, but not too murky, either-they could see the rocky bottom of the basin, at least. Will scooped up some of the water and sniffed it. "Doesn't smell brackish. The animals need some source of water to survive, and I'm guessing this is it. Perhaps it formed from rainfall in the wake of that storm."

Colette looked around as he stood and brushed his damp fingers against the leg of his faded jeans. "Let's see if we can find where they're hiding." She grabbed his hand and they started toward the nearest edge of the rocky wall.

From a distance, the rocks had seemed solid and sheer, but as they drew nearer, they were able to discern crevices, cracks, ledges, and other features. Moving as quietly as she could, Colette crept up to a low, wide hole near the ground. Peering in, she stifled an exclamation and drew back. Will looked at her uncertainly, and she again took his hand and led him a little distance away.

"I saw a family of badgers!" she whispered excitedly. "A mother and some very, very tiny babies. Probably newborns. I'm guessing these rocks are just full of little holes and caves like that, and that the animals live in them or maybe just hide in them when they feel threatened."

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