chapter 4

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(Jezzalyn) as we keep running up the stairs hopeing abby followed I run into the door as I hurriedly try to open the door It dosent budge I run to a window and try to open it. It dosent budge either. I look behind me to just find McClain I decide to grave are stuff and get abby after. We open the bedroom door and run to the bed. Then we here a loud groaning sound and see the door closes. I run to the door and try to open it but its locked I keep pulling as McClain hyperventilates in a corner of the room.

(Abby) as I stand there with a hand on my shoulder I hear footsteps coming closer from behind me it comes directly behind me and its hot minty breath breathing down my neck. It pulls me into it as my heart rate rises. " don't be afraid I wont hurt you yet." His voice was amazing. Even though he said it to scare me it sounded good. It freaked me out to think about that know when I might die. Thump thump I turn to see mcclain and jezzalyn running down the stairs the hand lets go but before he leaves he says" your friends ruined the fun. That might change there fate." As I stand there jezzalyn and McClain come closer " abby what happened? We got trapped upstairs and I had to break the door down." She looks at me with anger but I know she really concerned about me. " uhh I'm not sure I....." then green day started playing upstairs. We walk up the stairs and when we reach the top my tablet was on the dinning room table with green day playing loudly from it. Mcclaun walks over and turns it down. I look at the door and walk over I was about to open ig till I heard something I turn to see it was daylight out I was in the same house but mcclain and jezzalyn were gone. I look to find a man with a bag over his head on tied to the chair. Another man walk over holding a shot gun he had a mask on but you could see his hair it was medium brown hair darker than mine he waves in my direct I look behind me to find nobody. It scared me but he tied the gun so it aimed at the guys face by strings on the ceiling. He connects the string on the door handle to the trigger the door was backwards so you had to pull it open from outside. He pulled the bag off his head I knew the man he was the police officer who drove us home. The officer smiled as the man untied him the officer stayed were he was as the man with the man ran out a side door. After several minutes I hear " its the police open up!" The officer just smiled " come in everonds welcome." The open the door bang the gun went off blood went everywhere the officers body falls from the chair with no face as blood flows from his head. I close my eyes and open them to McClain and Jezzalyn. They were shaking me I turn to them" abby what happed you werent moving and you kept staring at the chair. So we tried shaking you awake but you didn't move?" They sounded scared" its okay I just...." as I hear barking down stairs. I turn to see the german shepherd with a man behind him holding a knife I run down the stairs and punch the man as falls backward he disappears and the dog materiallizes.

As we stare at the dog it licks my hand with a soft wet tounge as I stand there. Jezzalyn and McClain stare in surprise. McClain and jezzalyn walk down the stairs to me and stare at the dog. As he keeps nuzzling my hand. All of a sudden the dog starts to growl at someghing farther in the basement while the flashlights start to flicker off. When they do I hear two thuds and the dog whine. After a couple seconds of silence I feel a hand on my shoulder. " hello again how about we go somewhere more private so you're friends can get some rest." The hand pulls me closer to him and I feel his arms rap around my shoulders and he walks me around the basement blindly to we stop." Sit I promise I'm not tricking you." I sit try not to make him mad. " so do you know who I am?" He askes. I stay silent as he breaths on my ear with his minty hot breath. " well I will give you a hint I'm the one in those newspapers you read." Hes the serial killer. I tense up." You ain't like most girls I meet. Most of them scream and run but you're either to shocked to run or you wanna be Brave." He pulls me closer and puts his lips on my ear." I'm gonna go cause your friends will be up soon." He leaves as I sit there in the dark.

(Jezzalyn) as I wake up next to a dead corpse I scurry away to run into something behind me I turn tto see McClain sleeping. I get up to find the german shepherd tied to a pole. I un hook him and as I pick up one of the flashlights. I turn it on and look at the corpse it was of a girl with brown hair and no eyes her mouth was open and smiling her face was pale. The dog started to walk to a hallway. I turn to look at the walk to see GD written in blood on the wall as the G was smeared across the wall in a line leading down the hall. All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see McClain. I sigh with relief as we keep following the dog till we reach a room. And walk in and find abby sitting on a bed. As she looks really pale. I come and sit by her the dog sit in between us and McClain sits on the other side of abby. We sit there in silence till abby graves my hand and mcclains and leads us into the hall. " abby where are we going?" McClain asks. She just keeps walking till we make it yo the basement stairs. We all run up the stairs pick up are stuff and attempt to open the door till I feel a searing pain in my head. I hold my head in pain as I fall to my knee's.

(McClain) the whole time we've been here I had a terrible feeling something terrible would happen. Know jezzalyns scrdaming bloody murder holding her as the german shepherd disapeared up the stairs. As abby looks scared as hell. She keeps saying something under her breath and looks at jezzalyn then the basement stares. She finally shoves jezzalyn. And jezzalyn stops screaming and stands up with tears running down her face. Abby graves the belongs." Hurry up and grave your stuff we need to get upstairs."

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