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Aimee's POV...

"No. You weren't my first kisses goshhh!" I yell into my pillow.

"Well.. didn't exactly seem like you knew what you were doing.." Ethan says .


"Okay if there's such a problem with how I kiss then don't try and kiss me dumbass." I say to him with attitude.

"Maybe she just didn't wanna kiss you e. Everybody prefers me." Grayson says with a wink.

"Have you guys literally hooked up with the same girls as each other?" I ask.

"No. Not exactly." The both say.

"Welllll. If you want maybe we can teach you some stuff." Ethan says as they both look at each other.

"Uhhh. I think the fuck not." I say as I roll my eyes.

Why do I reject them?
I don't want to ruin our relationship.
I love these boys.
I do think I might share some feelings for them.
But, it wouldn't be the same.
Sometimes I just wish they'd fuck me freaking crazy.
like I crave them so bad..

"We will be back our mom needs us for something." Ethan says as he texts back his mom.

"Bye fuckers." I say blowing them a kiss.

They both walk out of my room and I get a snapchat from the boy I had a huge crush on..
The boy I can actually date.
We are talking but like honestly I can't tell my bestfriends.

hey what's up gorgeous? I'm kinda craving you at the moment.. would it be fine if you send a picture?

yea of course give me a second ;)

I strip off my clothes and take a few pictures till I was satisfied.

I strip off my clothes and take a few pictures till I was satisfied

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I sent it with a grin on my face waiting for his response.

1 person opened your snap!
2 people opened your snap!

Grayson🙄♥️ replayed your snap!
Ethan♥️🙄 replayed your snap!

Grayson🙄♥️ is typing...
Ethan♥️🙄 is typing...

G: ok no more time to help mom I'm coming over now. God damn
E: Me too. We need to talk.

oh my fuck..
I mean it wasn't nudes but it was definitely scandalous shit.

Baby girl you there?

yea! Sorry I'll send later just got busy I'm sorry 😩

I hear someone barge through my downstairs and run up the stairs and pounce into my room.

"First off. Look what you did!" Grayson said pointing to his huge fucking boner..holy shit.

"Second off. If that wasn't meant for us who the fuck are you talking to or sending pictures to?" Ethan says continuing for Grayson.

"Um. None of your fucking business." I say getting up and going over to my drawer to look for some clothes to throw on.

"Now you are trying to tease us. I swear to fucking god Aimee, I'm about to rip your panties off!" Grayson says.

I just wanted to tease them more so I drop a shirt and bend down and pick it up.

Grayson pushes Ethan out of the room and locks the door.

"What did I fucking say?" Grayson said as he as he walked towards me and picked me up immediately latching his lips onto mine and I wrapped my legs around him..

What the fuck do I do?

What am I doing?

Why can't I stop myself?

Is this wrong?

I want this..

But here, now, today?

To be continued...

I have no idea what I'm doing with this story but hi vote thanks

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