Christian Coma oneshots

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CC's pov

I mumbled to myself staring at the test grumpily 'the fuck is this?' I wondered running a hand through my hair as I scratched a couple more answers on my paper.
"Time's up." My professor announced loudly tapping on his desk with a ruler.
I sighed as the bell rang and we gathered up our stuff, dropping our tests on the way out. I had gym next. It sucked that our school thought it should be mandatory no matter what you were studying. I dropped my stuff at my dorm, changed into a black tee and some shorts. Snagged my water bottle and a towel and jogged down got the gym. I tied my hair back as I stood impatiently in the elevator. When the doors opened I rushed to the gym and walked in. As usual I was early so I stretched and walked over to the pull-up bar. I was hoisting myself up repeatedly when a girl walked in. I ignored her dropping off the bar and pulling my shirt off, it was already covered with sweat. I admit I was a pretty fit guy but lifting your entire body was hard work. I did a couple more then dropped to the ground to do some sit ups. This was what we did the entire time. You could play basketball or work out. I liked working out better. I had switched to push-ups when more people started trickling in. Some of the guys glared at the muscles in my shoulders jealously as I pumped my arms up and down. I ignored the girl from earlier as she began to stretch next to me. This was getting annoying. I liked to be left alone so I could stay silent and fade into the background. But in gym I stood out like a jewel in a pile of trash. I don't mean to brag but I had a six pack (I ate healthy and worked out in my spare time) and girls stared at my back in gym.
"Hi." The girl chirped as I sat back on my heels and took a swig of water.
"Hi." I responded gruffly as I stood. I walked out out of the large glass doors and onto the track. I stretched out me legs before I realized she had followed me.
"What do you want?" I asked looking at her in annoyance.
"I just wanted to say hi." She mumbled blushing and looking down.
"Just leave me be, this period is the only time I get peace." I muttered as I started to jog around the large track.
"Wait!" She called running after me.
"Jeez, can't you take no for an answer?" I grumbled turning and crossing my arms.
"I just wanted to say, you're really attractive..." She smiled. I raised an eyebrow, she was kind of attractive herself. She had long brown hair, big green eyes, and a sporty form.
"Thanks, you too I guess." I said. She offered her hand with another smile.
"Jade." She said as I accepted it grudgingly.
"Chris." I replied quietly.
"Wanna run a trail? They're more interesting than the track." She asked.
"Sure." I shrugged. She squeaked pulling me towards on of the trails that snaked into the woods surrounding the campus. We began to jog next to each-other until she had to stop and sit down on a rock.
"I kinda like you, you're tolerable and you don't insist on talking constantly." I said swinging up into the branches of a tree and sitting against the trunk of the tree.  She blushed looking down at her hands.

"No-one's ever said that to me before." She mumbled.  I smiled slightly as she looked back up at me.

"I've never said that to anyone before." I shrugged slipping off the branch and sitting down next to her.

"I've seen you in the gym before, I've seen you in other classes before too... I've kind of had a crush on you for awhile." She blushed.  I smiled broader and slipped my fingers under her chin.

Jade's pov


He tilted my face up so he could look at me.  My breath hitched in my throat as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear with cool fingers.  Before I knew what was happening his deep brown eyes were an inch away from mine and I could fee the slight flutter of his breath.  Then his lips were against mine and my eyes closed.  He pulled away all to quickly and searched my face for reactions.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered.  Now he was blushing.  I rolled my eyes and threw my arms around his neck kissing him fiercely.  He responded slipping his hainds around my waist and kissing me back.

'You are adorable." He mumbled against my lips.

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