Fallen (Candy CC+ Andy)

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CC's pov


I was simply talking to Gabriel a close friend of mine when my wings started to seer with pain. I winced and looked back at them while Gabe's eyes widened and ha backed away. My heart dropped into my stomach as I felt a my wings tearing to shreds and I began to plummet from the air. Individual feathers fell from them as the bones shattered and the flesh ripped apart. Hot pain coursed through my body as the air rushed past me. My shoulders where my wings connected to my back were in an unspeakable amount of pain as my right wing was ripped completely free.

The deep voice of our father echoed in my head.

"The Destroyer has fallen." He rumbled as my wings were torn to shreds leaving a trail of white feathers. After that I didn't remember much besides hitting the ground and staring up at the sky in an avalanche of pain. So this is what falling from grace feels like. My mind mused.

When I came back to my senses. I assessed my situation with tears streaming down my face. It hurt, it hurt so much. Where would I go? What had I done to deserve this? I found that I was wearing a simple black tee-shirt and black skinny jeans. I decided to find a place to stay. But when I tried to step forward I fell to my knees again. Oh lord the pain. Why was there so much pain? I shook with tears burying my face in my hands as my long black hair fell in my face. I was thankful that there were no humans around to see me like this.

A few days later when I could shove the dull ache into the back of my mind, I set off to find an new home. When I was walking down a street I saw a familiar face. A human that I had seen before. Oh... I was his guardian angel once. He was mumbling to himself and looking at some device in his hand. I tapped him on the shoulder biting my lip and his head whipped up like a startled deer. When he saw me his eyes widened and he yanked something out of his ear.

"Y-you're the angel from my dreams." He said in shock. I nodded at him trying to choke back tears. He knew me... But I wasn't an angel anymore.

"I was." I choked. A concerned look came over his face as he really got to see me. Long tangled hair, bruises everywhere, and a considerable amount of blood covering the back of my black shirt.

Andy's pov


Angels did exist, here I was standing in front of my guardian angel who appeared to be on the verge of breaking into a sobbing heap. I could sense there was something wrong. My heart tugged towards this broken angel, and I took his hand gently.

"Come on, we can go back to my place." I said trying to give him a smile through the worry clouding my mind. He nodded and followed me obediently as I made a U-turn and headed back to my apartment. We got there in under five minutes and as I locked the door I heard a muffled sob and turned. He was covering his mouth looking down at the floor and I rushed to his side.

"Thank you." He mumbled wiping his face and smiling weakly at me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned sitting him down on the couch,

"I don't know why but... I've fallen from grace..." He choked, it was just barely loud enough for me to hear him. I gasped and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He cried out in pain and hunched forward. I held back tears as he let out another sob.

"Let me see." I pleaded. He nodded and began to pull off his shirt. My heart shattered when I saw the two long tears right behind his shoulder blades. They were jagged and bloody and I felt awful.

"You need a doctor, come on." I said resting a hand on his shoulder.

"No. I can't, how do you explain something like this?" He mumbled burying his face in his hands. I reconsidered before I helped him to his feet and led him into the bathroom. He followed meekly and I sat him down on the edge of the bathtub pulling out a first aid kit.

"This is going to hurt." I mumbled pulling out a rounded needle and some clean white thread. He nodded silently and didn't make a sound as I winced and stuck the needle through the torn flesh and pulled the thread through pulling it closed slowly.

"So what's your name?" I asked wanting to distract him.

"CC." He mumbled. "Christian Coma, more commonly known as The Destroyer."

"I'm Andy." I told him as I tied off one thread observing my work carefully. It would do. I set to work on the other gash as CC sat quietly taking the pain. When I was finished stitching the other wound, I smeared some antiseptic on it and told him to hold his arms up as I wrapped gauze around his shoulders and chest so it would stay.

"There, that should help a little." I smiled at him.

~three days later~

CC knocked on my doorframe timidly and I lifted my head from my pillow with a muffled noise.

"Nightmares again?" I asked. He nodded biting his lip as a tear rolled down his cheek. He was damn cute standing there in slippers, a pair of flannel pj pants, and a blue bathrobe. The gauze wrapped around the top half of his torso glowed in the moonlight and my heart twisted with sadness. I held up the covers.

"Hop in." I said. He smiled at me and set the bathrobe on the chair next to my bed before clambering into the bed and rolling so his back was to me. I could tell that he was trying to give me my space so I smirked and pulled him closer slipping my arm under his head and wrapping my other arm tightly around his waist. He froze in confusion and fear before relaxing and cuddling against my chest. In the morning he had his face pressed against my chest and he was curled up tightly hugging his arms to his chest. I shook him awake and he looked up at me with big eyes.

"Time to change your bandages." I said sitting up. He nodded and went into the bathroom as I pulled on my bathrobe. When I walked in he was sitting obediently on the edge of the bathtub waiting patiently. I pulled out the first aid kit and unwrapped the old gauze. As it fell away from his back I had to choke back tears, the gashes were gone but there were two vicious scars in their places.

"I guess you don't need them anymore..." I trailed off and he nodded. I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. As I was cooking some eggs I let a few tears fall so I wouldn't break down around CC.

He's slept with me every night since then

~Another month~

CC had stopped having panic attacks and he was beginning to fight his way out of depression. We were sitting on the couch watching a random movie when I had the overwhelming urge to kiss him right then. I literally couldn't fight it so I tapped hi. On the shoulder and he looked up at me innocently. I smiled and leaned down pressing my lips to his. He responded almost immediately wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you CC." I mumbled into his neck when we broke apart.

"But I'm a broken angel." He protested sadly.

"Well you're my broken angel." I sighed pulling him into another kiss.

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