♡1. A New Beginning♡

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3rd P.O.V

Max pulled the shop's door behind him and locked up. He checked his watch and sighed. It read 12:23 a.m. He ran a hand through his hair and yawned as he made his way down the road.

Max walked slowly on the dark streets. His eyes wandered to the wall full of graffiti and then to the tattered street signs. He knew he didn't live on the best side of town, but it sure was better than living with his parents.

It was only 7 years ago, but he remembered it like it was yesterday. He was still 10 and it was the last day of summer camp. Gwen had decided to go home after both David and Max told her that they were fine. It was an hour after noon, so about 1 o'clock, when she left.


"Come on, Max. Let's wait in the mess hall for your parents to come and pick you up," David said with his upbeat and lively voice. His voice seemed to float like the birds above, so high and care-free. They both wandered into the mess hall to wait for Max's parents.

An hour passed and there were no signs of Max's parents.

"Umm, maybe they hit some traffic. I'm sure they'll be here," David said with optimism.

Another hour passed. Still no sign of Max's parents. Max had already lost hope of his parents making it to camp before nightfall.

Another 3 hours passed and the sun was already starting to set on the horizon. 

Still no sign of Max's parents. 

And finally, around 9 o'clock, when even David was on his last few strings of hope... a car pulled up. Leaving behind a cloud of dust, a small, aged minivan rolled to a stop. 

  The door opened and the reek of smoke and alcohol circulated through the air. A man stepped out. He looked to be in his mid 40's. David stepped forward in curiosity.

"Hi, sir. What brings you here this fine night?"

The old-looking man grunted and pulled the cigar out from between his teeth. "What does it fucking look like I'm here for, a blow? Give me my fucking kid so I can leave."

Max didn't even bother looking at David as he ambled towards the minivan. He knew that this summer wouldn't have lasted. Nothing good in his life ever did. He acted like he would rather be anywhere else this summer, but he was glad for the escape from his nightmarish reality. 

He didn't want to be stuck at his godforsaken home with his drunkard father and his abusive step mother. And what was even better for him, was that he actually made friends for once. Ones that made him feel wanted, loved even. Ones that stayed by his side and made him laugh at the worst of times.

So before his 'father' could embarrass him even more, he mumbled a quick goodbye to David and hopped in the backseat of the van. David looked on with worry as he watched the middle aged man hobble back into the drivers seat and slam the door shut.

"Bye, Max," David whispered only for himself to hear. "Be safe."


Max finally made his way up the steps to his compact apartment. He took out his keys, unlocked the door, and made his way inside. He didn't bother taking a shower or even changing into some sleep clothes. His body ached and his mind was blank. He peeled off his shirt, groaning from his sore body, and threw it to the floor. Laying back on the sofa, Max kicked his feet up and let his mind drift into a sweet yet dark and dreamless slumber.


Okay, first chapter done! I'm actually posting this in Chemitry class because I have a substitute and I'm done with all my work. But here's a bit of Max's back story. I know it's not much, but I'll expand on it in the next chapter.
Anyways, thanks for reading!

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