Apocalypse Warning

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Y/N. P.O.V
*TV playing on news chanell*
News reporter: The virus is spreading, people you have to get out now, It will consume you you will turn! You got to get ou- *screams*
(flashback end)

I sit up fast and grap my sword and cheak my surroundings. I exhale softly drawing it out, that was the day my life went to shit, I had a perfect family my parents loved me and my best friend and I where so close, I had perfect friends never had a single drama until this happened 8 months ago.

I always wonder if any of my friends survived and got out, and if so where are they now. My goal is to get to the sanctuary but on the other side of my country so I don't know if i will make it, but i'm going to try my best.

I start packing up my gear, i only have essentials, weapons, medicall suplies, a couple of muslie bars and a bottle of water. I have created a bow and arrows over my time here, and its the only weapon that i have created that has not broken. I create a lot of melee weapons but they brake over time. I fount a sword in a shop when i was searching for anything I could use.

I never sleep in the same spot more than once, and its never on the ground, sometimes i got 2-3 days without sleeping so i wait till its safe.

I start heading off staying cautious of my surroundings. One zombie jumps out from behind a car at me and scares the shit out of me, I quickly draw out my sword and stab it in the stomach the take of its head in one clean slice.

I brake out into a run for the zombie probably attracted more and I am not sticking around for that as i'm running i reach a dead end.

Y/N: Fuck!

I go to turn around but I'm completely surrounded they corner me, I start swinging my sword around in hopes it will hit some and make a path. I scream in annoyence.


A little crack forms and i take my chance i make a sprint through all the zombies. I thought the crowd was full of slow zombies but turns out their was some runners, I hear them scretch, I look behind me and take off, their running at me. Im jumping on as much stuff as possible not slowing down to catch air for that could kill me.

I continue running i see a little hole I can hid in, I take my chance and hide, it worked they continued running, i sit and catch my breath. Tears running down my cheaks as adrenoline runs through my body.

Y/N thoughts: Holy shit how didnt I die, that was, holy shit.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed my story so far feel free to check out my other story Secrets, I quite enjoyed creating this chapter for the possibilities are endless. Okie thats enough from me. Bai!

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