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We heard a mysterious noise coming from inside the roof above us we all come together and stair up then, the roof collapsed. I scream as plaster board and wooden beams fall towards our heads Yoongi tries to protect me but the force of the beams is to much, we are all buried beneath the rubble with rain pouring down on us, my forehead is bleeding and my vision is blurry for a couple of seconds I look around and see Yoongi beside me not yet awake I freak out and try to move towards him but I have a beam firmly pressed against my lower back restricting movement.

I try to move the beam when I heard something moving around me, my senses go up I stay still and listen intently the creature walks directly past me I hold my breath, it heads over to the other boys who are also crushed beneath beams unconscious it goes towards Jungkook and Tae and begins opening its mouth I watch in horror as its mouth opens a full 180 degree's, I freak out and have to act quickly. I pick up some of the ruble and throw it over to a place where we were not held, it races over to the noise, I struggle and struggle to get out but eventually am able to wriggle out from beneath the beam I quickly hide behind the now smashed piano.

The creature walks back into the room but walks strait past the boys paying no attention to them what so ever instead it heads up into the corner of the room and climbs up to the roof it sits still then proceeds to blend in with the dark lighting and wall colouring. I now know how this is supposed to go down, this infected will blend in so it is hidden it will move around but it has no eyes only relying on sound, It is not helpful that it pouring down rain which will possibly make it hard for me and the others to stay quiet.

My first mission was to wake up the boys so very very slowly and quietly I head over to the closet person who is Hobi I quietly sneak over to his body that currently lay still on the floor I begin removing pieces of rubble off of him once he is clean with other but plaster dust on his clothes, I began lightly shaking him so he begins to wake. He tries to talk but I cover his mouth just in time to shush him, I take him into a safe area and tell him to stay extremely quiet and if anything is to happen he has to get out.

After taking him to a safe spot I head back to the room with all the other boys still unconscious in it I sit at the door way before entering the room so I could scope it out and hopefully pin point the infected, I quietly head back into the room and head over to Jin and do the same thing that I did with Hobi I repeated this with all the boys, lastly it was Yoongi I made sure I did him last because I could see him trying to move when I was escorting the other boys.

I crawl my way over to him he looks up at me and smiles, I head over to the beam that was firmly pressed up again it side, I was trying to move the beam but it was firmly pressed up against him I could see it was causing him discomfort in the way I was trying to move the beam so I try it a different way, it began to move and eventually he was free he got up to come to me as I go to let the beam go it crashes down straight into the piano causing loud noises I hear the infected coming towards us, I figured that since Yoongi was the last one left we could just book it out of here even tho it is nearly impossible to see in front of us in this storm, but it is better than being eaten by one of these monsters.

Y/N: Run!

We ran into the room where I had told the boys to lay low, I know for sure it followed us in here.

Y/N: Guys we gotta go, We got to leave this building we need to leave this town, we just need to leave!

I was panicking knowing it was on its way towards us, we pick up ourselves and backpacks and try and get out of the store as quickly as possible we jump out a window into the torrential rain and run staying close to each other, soaked head to toe in rain water clothes becoming transparent. We run and run not knowing where we are going just letting our feet guide us.


Hey, I know this is a very short chapter I just wanted to get a chapter out before the New Year, I just want to thank all the people who reed and continue my stories and who have made me feel good about being able to write a story with confidence that people will enjoy it, Okie, Till next year, Baii!

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