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Y/N P.O.V.

We are sneaking around the lobby of the old apartment building their where people everywhere we heard gun shots but they weren't at us, we were out to see what they where firing at infected was coming Jennie slightly freaks out but Jisoo calms her down again while me and the boys where unfazed by them.

Jisoo: See the gate their, thats our exit we get through their we are a step closer to being close to the sanctuary.

Jin: How do you know this?

Jennie: Our other friends went through heir without us.

Yoongi: How do you know they where not killed?

They go quiet.

Y/N: That concrete barrier is our next stop, do you girls know how to kill anything?

Jisso: Bugs thats about it.

Joonie: Then let us do all the murdering, ok.

They agree, I give a slight giggle at the way Joonie put it blankly to them. We sneakily race to the barrier a guard walks past and I take him out and drag him so the other people won't see his dead body laying on the floor, we run to the next barrier taking out the guy this continued till their was only the one guy on the machine gun and one guarding the door.

Yoongi: Kookie, you take out that one on the room on the machine gun while I take the guy at the door.

He nods they go and kill them the signal us to come over we open the giant gate and run closing it then barricading it.

Jin: Now what?

Jisoo: We didn't think of that. *Nervous giggles*

Jimin: You mean you didn't think of what to do after we got past their!

They nod in response we groan at how stupid this is, we are just sitting ducks. I look around and see a ladder on a crate.

Y/N: Lets climb up here.

We give Jennie a boost up the top so she can reach the old rusty half broken ladder the rest of us we begin climbing using her help, then the gates begin to be pounded open we look and a tank is trying to break in it is winning the stuff we used to barricade the doors is given in and moving because of the force of the tank Jisoo is next up then Tae, Jimin, Joonie just as Jin was climbing up the ladder broke he feel back down we run over to him to see if he is ok, Yoongi, Kookie, Jin and I couldn't get up as we where trying to find another way up it busted through the gates and started coming towards us.

Kookie: Help us up.

Jisoo: Come on Jennie we gotta go.

They ran away leaving us here, the tank was to close now that the other boys couldn't pull us up.

Jimin: Over there! *points*

He pointed at a building, they jump down.

Y/N: You guys should of run while you had the chance.

Tae: No way, come on lets go.

We race over to the door and crawl through the bottom where the glass was shattered we run over to the other side of the building we quickly exit and run we ran on a bridge with the tank following closely behind us then the bride was broken it had a huge hole in the floor separating this side from that, we turn around to run but the tank is right their.

Joonie: Shit!

Tae: We are going to die!

I look down the whole to see water.

Y/N: We can jump.

Yoongi: Are you crazy we could die.

Y/N: And we could die up here by the tank as well, and I would prefer to die trying to save myself then just giving in.

Tae, Kookie and Jimin agree, the tank was getting ready to shoot.

Y/N: It's now or never, JUMP!

The maknae's and I expected to be the only ones to jump but when we rose back up to the top there where 8 of us, we began being swept away by the current coming towards rocks we try dodging them as best we can, I got scratches all up my arms causing them to bleed they stung because of the water, we caught onto a fallen tree trunk and managed to make it up onto shore.

???: Oh hey.

I look up to see who talked to me, it was none other than Jisoo and Jennie.

I get up ready to punch Jennie gave a little squeal, when I was about to punch Jisoo, Yoongi held me back I stood angrily.

Yoongi: Your lucky I held her back usually I don't.

She gave a nervous laugh I walked over to the group of pissed of boys Yoongi followed behind me and joined us. They tried moving forward but we held up our guns, some people may think we are over reacting but they left us to die and now they expect everything to be all happy Chappy, nah bitch you thought wrong.

Jisoo: Why have you got your guns out, we ant a enemy.

Y/N: You left us to die.

Jennie: Well obviously we didn't since your here, alive and well.

Joonie: Don't be a smart ass, you meant to leave us.

Jisoo: Oh my god, your alive and your here who cares.

I look at the boys, they nod we begin walking the opposite direction to what they where in they call our name, they ran up to us and Jennie grabbed a hold Hobi I whip out my knife and hold it against her throat.

Y/N: Remove your hand from by best friend.

She let him go and I put down my blade we continue walking along the beach trying to find where we needed to be, then their was a tower off in the distance we started running towards it hoping we can get to it with no problems.


Hey I know Jisoo and Jennie where kind of like bad guys in this but am I in no way disrespecting them, I love BlackPink. Ok thats enough rambling I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry if it is short I had a hard time writing it for some reason. Okie, Till next time, Baii!!

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